Page:Notes and Queries - Series 9 - Volume 7.djvu/554

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Notes and Queries, July 27, 1901.

St. Swithin on Manor of Tyburn, 491 Ornithology of Cambridgeshire, 425 "Sarson stones," 234, 396 Ships of war on land, 236 Stonehenge, 247 Surnames, 436 Title of esquire, the, 94 Watch-chain ornament, 35 Sainthill (C.) on Sainthill or St. Hill family, 29 Samplers, early use of the word, 467 Sandwich men, first use of the expression, 245 Sanson, his account of execution of Louis XVI.,


Saranine colour, origin of the name, 9 Sargeaunt (J.) on Chavasse family, 131 Sargent family, 329, 432 Sargent (J. H.) on John Coe and family, 348 Sarigue, zoological term, its etymology, 166 "Sarson stones," meaning of the term, 149, 234, 270,

396 Saunders (C. T ) on butty, its etymology, 51

Chavasse Family, 191

Saunders (George), architect, 1762-1839, 307 Sawney, its meaning, 447

Sawyer (ft. F. J.) on what constitutes a city, 228 Saxony, cockade of the house of, 149, 457 Scarpelli (Philip), poem by, 388 Scattergood (B. P.) on the Bishop of London's funeral,


Kingsman family, 390 Roulston family, 229 Schedules, Celtic, of the 1901 census, 308 Schiller (Professor), of the Cornell University, his

'Riddles of the Sphinx,' 449 School-teachers in Kent, 1578-1619, 3, 137 Scotland, King Edward VII.'s title in, 2*5, 317 ;

arms of, 368, 452

Scott (John), citizen and salter of London, 468 Scott (Thomas), ob. 1775, his descendants, 28 Scott (Sir Walter), phrase in 'The Fortunes of Nigel/

510 Scudamore (Sir Clement), Sheriff of London, 1605-6,

269, 373

Seals, history of, 189 Seaman and Button families, 408, 513 Seeds, duration of life in, 129, 328, 437 Seetabuldee, prints of the battle of, 149 Se*gur (Comtesse de), her biography, 427, 495 Seiriol on manuscripts at Paris, 189 Selfode, its meaning, 89 'Selimus' and Edmund Spenser, 61, 101,142, 203

261, 324, 384 Selwyn (George) and J. Heneage Jesse, 122, 178,


Seneca, translations of his works, 132, 258 Senga on tolpatchery, 170 Sergeant of the Catery, the office, 169 Seven Dials, taverns in, 1740 60, 487 Shakespeare, earliest printed testimony to the fame of,

25 ; allusion in ' Henry VIII.,' Act II. sc. 3, 69 ;

his letters, 1 09 ; passage in ' Much Ado about

Nothing,' 109 ; and Vondel, 147 ; the knavish, and

Rabelais, 162, 255, 330, 474 ; his books, 163, 423 ;

'Twelfth Night' and Manningham, 205 ; quotations

on calendars, 209, 334, 478 ; epitaph in Labourdin

Baskish, 345 ; opening of his tomb, 388, 454

Shakespeariana :

As You Like It, Act II. sc. 7, " Not to seem senseless of the bob," 22, 345 ; Act III. sc. 2, " Good my complexion," 344 Hamlet, a fictitious scene in, 343 King Henry V., Act V. sc. 2, " So happy be the

issue, brother Ireland," 22

King John, Act II. sc. 1, "The bias of the world," 345

Romeo and Juliet, Act I. sc. 1, " Tis the way to cal hers (exquisit)," 344

Winter's Tale, Act I. so. 2, " Communicatest with dreams," 22 ; Act II. sc. 1, " Touch'd conjecture," 23 Sharp (W.) on columbaria, 116

Mediaeval tithe barns, 93 Sherborn (C. D. ) on " Sarson stones," 235 Sherborn (G. T.) on author of verses wanted, 358

Nelson's death, 411 Sherborne (Lord) on Dutton family, 117

Greek pronunciation, 450

Moon lore, 96

Thackeray, 250

Sherwood (G. F. T.) on consolidated indexes, 426 Shimmozzel, Jewish cant 'word, 10, 130, 453 Ships moving without sail or wind, 188 Ships of war on land, 147, 235, 296, 354, 431 Slippers, powdering, 488 Shoehorned, its use as a verb, 289, 394 Shovell (Sir C.), his watch, 287 Shuter (Ned), actor, 1728-76, 209 Shuttles, in ' Guy Mannering,' 407, 477 Sibyl or Sybil, its spelling, 200, 317, 455 Sigma Tau on heraldic, 69

Woollery (Frances), her biography, 49 Signia on ' Dictionary of National Biography,' 24

Grierson of Dublin, 27 Signs, music publishers', 507 Silhouettes of children, 412 Silk manufacture and beard of the pinna, 428 Silver trumpet, meaning of the term, 487 Simms (R.) on ' The Situation of Paradise,' 487 Simplex on Irish harps, 338 Simpson (P.) on unclaimed poem by Ben Jonson, 151

Shakespeariana, 22, 345 Singing in church, 265 Sinton (G. S.) on " I sit on a rock," 328 Sirr (H.) on columbaria, 116

Forecourt, &c., Ashburnham House, Westminster,


Sisters bearing same Christian name, 436 Skeat (W. W.) on butty, its etymology, 51

Chaucer, passage in 'Prologue,' 95, 238 ; doubtful passages in, 257

Combination, arithmetical term, 17

Date wanted, 96

Dude, its pronunciation, 15

Etymology and whist, 23

Frabbed, its meaning, 53

Gallimaufry, its etymology, 36

"Jeber's cooks," 238

May- water, its meaning, 276

Palmer, its meaning, 52

Pitched battle, 32

Ships of war on land, 235

Wig = bun, 15