Page:Notes and Queries - Series 9 - Volume 7.djvu/555

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Notes and Queries, July 27, 1901.



Skeat (W. W.) on Wise, 45, 252

Skilly, etymology and use of the word, 216

Skin, lines on the, 27, 113, 251

Skull, lines on a, 348

Skulls found in Victoria Street, Westminster, 11

Skulls on tombstones, 448

Slack (Mrs.) on Thompsons of York, 468

Small (J. M.) on the " Crown " behind the Royal

Exchange, 309

Smith (D. JNichol) on authors wanted, 388 Smith (G. G.) on bottled ale, 412 Smith (George Murray), the late, and authors, 307 Smith (H.) on Mr. Vernon S. Morwood, 89 Smith (M. E.) on hooligan, 48

Smith (Richard), surgeon of Bristol, his biography, 169 Smith (W. B.) on Chavasse family, 48 Smoking a cobbler, its meaning, 509 Smous = Jew, its origin, 131, 298 Smyth (Bishop), founder of Brasenose, 92, 157, 235, 298 Sneyd (G.) on Dutton family, 174, 433 Snicket, its meaning, 348, 512 Snuff, defence of, 24 Sod-widow, origin of the word, 268 Soho, taverns in, 1740-60, 487 Soho Square, statue in, 209 Soldier ancestors, 353 Solemne (Anthony de), first printer at Norwich (1565-

1580), 241, 331

Solomon (Samuel), his ' Guide to Health,' 12, 131 Somersetshire ballad, 368 Somerville (W.), his poem ' The Chace,' 447 Sommerville (C. W.) on Sir Francis Nicholson, 28

Songs and Ballads :

From a nate little village in Zummerzetshire, 368

From the dim shieling on the misty island, 368, 512

Kathleen Mavourneen, 388, 430

Lass of Richmond Hill, 169

Let 'em come, 157

Paddle your own Canoe, 53, 414, 493

Rule, Britannia, 146

We don't want to fight, 386 Southam Church, Warwickshire, heads in, 268 Southam (H. R. H.) on a company of Miners, 497

Sweep's sign, 326

Sou they (Robert) and Swedenborg, 186 Southwell (T.) on date wanted, 27 Spartacus, his biography, 180 Spence (R. M.) on " A still small voice," 5

Shakespeariana, 22

Spencer (W. T.) on Eton College and ram hunting, 196 Spenser (Edmund), 'Locrine,' and 'Selimus,' 61, 101,

142, 203, 261, 324, 384 Speranza and Swedenborg, 287 Spoons, apostle, 350, 410 Staff, pastoral, and crosier, 387, 495 Stafford (J.) on Suwarroffand Masse'na, 193 Stamps and coins, crowned heads on, 248, 315 Stanbury family of Devon and Cornwall, 128, 274, 473 Standard, Royal, breaking of the, 108, 176 Statue in Soho Square, 209 Steam navigation, early, 16, 133, 252 Steelyard weights, Roman, 228, 317 Steere family, 49, 291 Stevens & Brown (B. F.) on Moore MS., 347

Stewart (C.) on Dutton family, 54, 175

Stewart family, 508 Stewart family, 508

Stewart (Rev. James Haldane), his biography, 88, 274 Stewart (Sir Simeon), poet, his biography, 367, 434 Stilwell (J. P.) on St. Barnabas's Day, 11 June, 445 Stock (Elliot) on Kipling stories, 488 Stock Exchange centenary, 406 Stocks, movable, 14, 118, 214 Stonehenge, 247, 358

Stones, healing, 12, 135, 335; boulder, 27, 136; Sarson, 149, 234, 270, 396 ; incised circles on, 389, 491 ; tool marks on mediaeval dressed, 390 Stow (John), his portrait, 1603, 401, 513 Strachan (Col. Archibald), date of his death, 446 Street (E. E.) on 'go to the devil and shake your- self,' 32

Petering, 195

Pinhoen, a ghost-word, 273

Roker, 135 Strong (H. A.) on Greek pronunciation, 146

Latin motto, 432

Theodolite, its meaning, 412 Student on Mrs. Charles Arbuthnot, 328

Population of towns, 168

Questing beast, 149

Stunt (B. B.) on 'The Thirteen Club,' 128 Sub : subsist money, 356

Succedaneum, its meaning, 149, 214, 258, 316, 453 Suffolk, visitation of, 175 Sundial, motto on, 467 Superstition, Scottish death, 467 Superstitions relating to animals in India, 225 Surnames, introduced into England, 28, 98, 235, 271, 436 ; Messiter, 29 ; formation of, 45 ; Arrand and Darrand, 75 ; Juggins, 247, 392 ; royal, 269 ; Talbot, 336 : Kemp, 427 ; Phillippo, 468 Sutton Coldfield, Warwickshire, rectors of, 75 Suwarroffand Masse'na, 108, 192, 213, 231 Swedenborg, and Robert Sou they, 186; and "Spe- ranza," 287 ; and Coventry Patmore, 345, 411 Sweep's sign in Wem, 326 Sweeting (W. D.) on descendant of Defoe, 298 Sweffling Church, Suffolk, arms in, 87 Swiss Connection on noble, 208 Sydenham Wells Park, its opening, 445 Sylvester (Joshua), poet, 228, 315, 358, 374, 515 Symbolic on ' The Devil's Pulpit,' 209 Syriac interrogative, Palestinian, 105 T. (A. D.) on paschal moons, 48 T. (C. C.) on the royal standard, 268 T. (D. K.) on Sir Anthony Brabason, 814 T. (F. M.) on "Thackeray's bed books," 29 T. (H.) on "A rat without a tail," 486

American invasion, 227

Barry (Dr.), 516

"Great Britain " v. " England," 867

Indexes to < N. & Q.,' 26

Powdering gown, its meaning, 268

Suwarroffand Masse'na, 231 T. (M. H.) on Sweeny Todd, 508 T. (W.) on author of verses wanted, 58

Definition of gratitude, 89 Tails, West-Countrymen's, 286, 410 'Takmi,' or Zakhmi Dil,' Indian air, 507 Talbot (C.), printer, &c., of book tablet, 408