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the books for the second sale were in the auction-rooms, a friend offered to purchase the whole of them and present them to him. After his death Mr. Francis Edwards bought his remaining books. Among these were works he had retained for special use. There were also many private issues of plays, and Mr. Edwards's catalogue of the books contained a facsimile of the title-page of Knight's earliest production, 'The Sea by Moonlight,' which I have reprinted in the account of his schooldays.

Mr. Henry
Arthur Jones
Among general literature was Peter Cunningham's edition of 'Walpole's Letters,' 9 vols., Bentley, 1891. This was a presentation copy, and contained the following inscription:—

"A Knight ther was, and that a worthy man, That fro the time that he firste began To riden out he loved chevalrie, Trouthe and honour, fredom and curtesie." "Full Jolly Knight he seemed, and faire did sit." "Are these your letters, Knight?"Henry Arthur Jones

I feel that I am speaking for all Knight's friends, as well as specially on behalf of that "band of brothers" of which it has been my high privilege to be one, when I say that no words can better describe the characteristics of that ripe scholar and perfect gentleman, the late Editor of Notes and Queries, than these:—