Bacon, Phanuel.
Bacon,„ Robert.
Baddeley, Robert.
Baddeley,„ Sophia.
Baker, Thomas.
Bancroft, John.
Bannister, Charles.
Bannister,„ John.
Barry, Elizabeth.
Barry,„ Ludovick.
Barry,„ Spranger.
Barry,„ Mrs. Spranger.
Bartley, George.
Bartley,„ Mrs.
Beard, John.
Becher, Eliza, Lady
Beckingham, Charles.
Bedford, Paul.
Bellamy, George Anne.
Bennett, George John.
Bensley, Robert.
Bernard, John.
Betterton, Thomas.
Beverley, Henry Roxby.
Bicknell, Mrs.
Bland, John.
Bonnar, Charles.
Booth, Barton.
Booth,„ Junius Brutus.
Booth,„ Sarah.
Bourne, Reuben.
Boutel, Mrs.
Boyce, Samuel.
Boyce,„ Rev. Thomas.
Bracegirdle, Anne.
Bradshaw, Ann Maria.
Brand, Hannah.
Brandon, Samuel.
Brenan, Mr.
Bridges, Thomas.
Brooke, Gustavus V.
Brough, Robert Barnabas.
Brough,„ William.
Bryce, Oscar.
Bullock, Christopher.
Bullock,„ William.
Bunn, Alfred.
Bunn,„ Margaret Agnes.
Burnaby, Charles.
Byron, Henry James.
Cargill, Anne.
Carlell, Lodowick.
Carlile, James.
Cartwright, George.
Cavendish, Margaret.
Celeste, Elliot.
Centliore, Susannah.
Charke, Charlotte.
Chatterley, Wm.
Chelwood, Wm. Rufus.
Cherry, Andrew.
Cibber, Colley.
Clarke, John.
Clay, James.
Cobb, James.
Cobham, Thomas.
Cookings, George.
Coffey, Charles.
Colman, George the Elder.
Colman,„ George the Younger.
Compton, Henry.
Connor, Charles.
Conway, Wm. Augustus.
Cooke, George.
Cooke,„ George F.
Cooke,„ Thomas Potter.
Cooper, John.
Corey, John.
Cowley, Hannah.
Craven, Louisa, Countess of.
Dance, Charles.
D'Avenant, Sir William.
Davenport, Mary Ann.
Davies, Mary.
Davison, Maria Rebecca.
Delpini, Carlo Antonio.
Dennis, Delane.
Digges, West.
Dodd, James William.
Doggett, Thomas.
Downes, John.
Edwin, Elizabeth Rebecca.
Edwin,„ John the Elder.
Edwin,„ John the Younger.
Egerton, Daniel.
Egerton,„ Sarah.
Elliston, Robert William.
Elrington, Thomas.
Elton, Edward William.
Emery, John.