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Page:Notes on lipu pu.pdf/7

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p. 65
Correction: 2. kulupu pi toki pona li pana e ijo mute.

p. 73
Non-ableist language: A sage is a strange person.

p. 76
Non-ableist language: Women will make men impulsive. (Of course, not all men experience opposite-sex attraction in this way.)

p. 92–103
Signed Toki Pona (toki pona luka) was presented as a game to battle Lojbanists. A new and very pona project, luka pona, has since been designed by jan Olipija to be usable as a naturalistic sign language alongside Toki Pona. I recommend learning luka pona.

p. 104–111
The community has developed sitelen pona glyphs for many non-pu words. For example, two great font projects include linja sike by lipamanka and linja suwi by jan Ana.

An alternate and secular form of the sewi glyph also exists as an option. It matches the other spatial terms like anpa. For example, search for “sitelen pona la sitelen ante mi pi nimi sewi” by u/neonpixii on Reddit.