farms; and on the weſtern ſide of the Blue ridge they are generally armed with rifles. The pay of our militia, as well as of our regulars, is that of the continental regulars. The condition of our regulars, of whom we have none but continentals, and part of a battalion of ſtate troops, is ſo conſtantly on the change, that a ſtate of it at this day would not be its ſtate a month hence. It is much the ſame with the condition of the other continental troops, which is well enough known.
THE marine?
Before the preſent invaſion of this ſtate by the Britiſh under the command of General Phillips, we had three veſſels of 16 guns, 1 of 14, five ſmall gallies and two or three armed boats. They were generally ſo badly manned as ſeldom to be in condition for ſervice. Since the perfect poſſeſſion of our rivers aſſumed by the enemy, I believe we are left with a ſingle armed boat only.