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Index:Notes on the State of Virginia (1802).djvu

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Title Notes on the State of Virginia
Author Thomas Jefferson
Year 1802
Publisher H. Sprague
Location No. 44, Marlboro' St., Boston
Source djvu
Progress Proofread—All pages of the work proper are proofread, but not all are validated
Transclusion Fully transcluded


 1. BOUNDARIES of Virginia, Page 5
 2. Rivers, 7
 3. Seaports, 23
 4. Mountains, 24
 5. Caſcades, 28
 6. Productions, mineral, vegetable and animal, 34
 7. Climate, 104
 8. Population, 116
 9. Military force, 124
10. Marine force, 127
11. Aborigines, 128
12. Counties and towns, 148
13. Conſtitution, 150
14. Laws, 179
15. Colleges, buildings and roads, 207
16. Proceedings as to Tories, 213
17. Religion, 215
18. Manners, 222
19. Manufactures, 225
20. Subjects of commerce, 227
21. Weights, meaſures and money, 232
22. Public revenue and expenses, 235
23. Hiſtories, memorials and ſtate-papers, 241
    Appendix, No. I. 279
    Appendix, No. II. 297
    Appendix, No. III. 315
    Appendix, Relative to the murder of Logan's family, 319