AN exact deſcription of the limits and boundaries
of the ſtate of Virginia?
Virginia is bounded on the eaſt by the Atlantic; on the north by a line of latitude, croſſing the eaſtern ſhore through Watkins's point, being about 37° 57, north latitude; from thence by a ſtraight line to Cinquac, near the mouth of Patowmac; thence by the Patowmac, which is common to Virginia and Maryland, to the firſt fountain of its northern branch; thence by a meridian line, paſſing through that fountain till it interſects a line running eaſt and weſt, in latitude 39°.43′.42.4″. which divides Maryland from Pennſylvania, and which was marked by Meſſrs. Maſon and Dixon; thence by that line, and a continuation of it weſtwardly to the completion of five degrees of longitude from the eaſtern boundary of Pennſylvania, in the ſame latitude, and thence by a meridian line to the Ohio: on the Weſt by the Ohio and Miſſiſippi, to latitude 36°.30′ north: and on the South by the line of latitude laſt mentioned. By admeaſurements through nearly the whole of this laſt line, and ſupplying the unmeaſured parts from good data, the Atlantic and Miſſiſippi are found in this latitude to be 758 miles diſtant, equal to 30° 38′, of longitude, reckoning 55 miles and 3144 feet to the degree. This being our