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Page:Notes on the State of Virginia (1802).djvu/160

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TRIBES.  Croghan. 
Where they reſide.

 Within the Limits of the United States.
 Ouiàtonons 200 400 300 *300  On the banks of the Wabaſh, near fort Ouiatonon.
 Piànkiſhas 300 250 300 *400  On the banks of the Wabaſh, near fort Ouiatonon.
 Shákies —— ——  200 ——  On the banks of the Wabaſh, near fort Ouiatonon.
600  300 ——  Near Kaſkaſkia.
 Illinois  300 ——  Near Cahokia. Query, If not the same with the Mitchigamis?
 Piorias —— 800 —— ——  On the Illinois River, called Pianrias, but supposed to mean Piorias.
—— 350 300 450  Near St. Joseph's and fort Detroit.
—— ——
*300  Near St. Joseph's and fort Detroit.
——  On Saguinam bay of lake Huron.
—— ——  On Saguinam Bay of lake Huron.
—— —— ——  Near Michillimakinac.
2000 5900 5450  Near Michillimakinac.
       Near Fort St. Mary’s, on lake Superior.
—— —— ——  Several other villages along the banks of lake Superior. Numbers unknown.
——  Near Puans Bay, on lake Michigan.
200 550 ——  Near Puans Bay, on lake Michigan.
 Mynonàmies —— —— ——  Near Puans Bay, on lake Michigan.