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Page:Notes on the State of Virginia (1802).djvu/163

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On James' River and its waters, Norfolk, Portſmouth, Hampton, Suffolk, Smithfield, Williamſburgh, Peterſburgh, Richmond the ſeat of our government, Mancheſter, Charlottsville, New-London.

On York River and its waters, York, Newcaſtle, Hanover.

On Rappahannoc, Urbanna, Portroyal, Frederickſburgh, Falmouth.

On Patowmac and its waters, Dumfries, Colcheſter, Alexandria, Wincheſter, Staunton.

On Ohio, Louiſville.

There are other places at which, like ſome of the foregoing, the laws have ſaid there ſhall be towns; but nature has ſaid there ſhall not, and they remain unworthy of enumeration. Norfolk will probably be the emporium for all the trade of the Cheſapeak bay and its waters; and a canal of 8 or 10 miles will bring to it all that of Albemarle ſound and its waters. Secondary to this place, are the towns at the head of the tide waters, to wit, Peterſburgh on Appomattox. Richmond on James' River. Newcaſtle on York-River. Alexandria on Potowmac, and Baltimore on Patapſco. From theſe the diſtribution will be to ſubordinate ſituations in the country. Accidental circumſtances however may control the indications of nature, and in no inſtance do they do it more frequently than in the riſe and fall of towns.