the Buffalo plains, 70 miles above. So far alſo it is navigable for loaded bateaux, and perhaps much, further. It is not rapid.
The Ohio is the moſt beautiful river on earth. Its current gentle, waters clear, and boſom ſmooth and unbroken by rocks and rapids, a ſingle inſtance only excepted.
It is a ¼ of a mile wide at Fort Pitt:
500 yards at the mouth of the Great Kanhaway:
1 Mile and 25 poles at Louiſville:
¼ Of a mile on the rapids, three or four miles below Louiſville:
½ A mile where the low country begins, which is 20 miles above Green River:
1¼ At the receipt of the Taniſſee:
And a mile wide at the mouth.
Its length, as meaſured according to its meanders by Capt. Hutchins, is as follows:
From Fort Pitt:
Miles. | |
To Log's Town, | 18½ |
Big Beaver Creek, | 10¾ |
Little Beaver Creek, | 13½ |
Yellow Creek, | 11¾ |
Two Creeks, | 21¾ |
Long Reach, | 53¾ |
End Long Reach, | 16½ |
Muſkingum, | 25½ |
Little Kanhaway, | 12¼ |
Hockhocking, | 16 |
Great Kanhaway, | 82½ |
Guiandot, | 43¾ |
Sandy Creek, | 14½ |
Sioto, | 48¼ |
Little Miami, | 126¼ |
Licking Creek, | 8 |
Great Miami, | 26¾ |
Big Bones, | 32½ |
Kentucky, | 44¼ |
Rapids, | 77¼ |
Low country, | 155¾ |
Buffalo River, | 64¼ |
Wabaſh, | 97¼ |
Big Cave, | 42¾ |
Shawanee River, | 52½ |
Cherokee River, | 13 |
Maſſac, | 11 |
Miſſiſipi, | 46 |
1,188 |