Where the title alone, and not the paper itſelf, has come under my obſervation, I cannot anſwer for the exactneſs of the date. Sometimes I have not been able to find any date at all, and ſometimes have not been ſatisfied that ſuch a paper exiſts. An extenſive collection of papers of this deſcription has been for ſome time in a courſe of preparation by a gentleman[1] fully equal to the taſk, and from whom, therefore, we may hope ere long to receive it. It the mean time accept this as the reſult of my labors, and as cloſing the tedious detail which you have ſo undeſignedly drawn upon yourſelf.
1498, | Mar. | 5. | 11. H. 7. | Pro Johanne Caboto et filiis ſuis ſuper terra incognita inveſtiganda. 12. Ry. 595.3. Hakl. 4. 2. Mem. Am. 409. |
1498, | Feb. | 3. | 13. H. 7. | Billa ſignata anno 13. Henriciſeptimi. 3. Hakluyt's voiages 5. |
1502, | Dec. | 19. | 18. H. 7. | De poteſtatibus ad teras incogitas inveſtigandum. 13. Rymer. 37. |
1540, | Oct. | 17. | Commiſſion de François I. à Jacques Cartier pour l'eſtabliſſement du Canada. L'Efcarbot. 397. 2. Mem. Am. 416. | |
1548, | 2. E. 6. | An act againſt the exaction of money, or any other thing, by any officer for licenſe to traffique into Iſeland and Newfoundland, made in An. 2. Edwardi ſexti. 3. Hakl. 131. |
- ↑ Mr. Hazard.