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Page:Notes on the State of Virginia (1802).djvu/260

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1607,  Mar.  9.  4. Jac. 1.  An ordinance and conſtitution enlarging the council of the two colonies in Virginia and America, and augmenting their authority, M.S.
1609, May 27.  7. Jac. 1. The ſecond charter to the treaſurer and company for Virginia, erecting them into a body politick. Stith. Ap. 2.
1610, Apr. 10.     Jac. 1. Letters-patent to the E. of Northampton, granting part of the iſland of Newfoundland. 1. Harris. 861.
1611, Mar. 12.  9. Jac. 1. A third charter to the treaſurer and company for Virginia. Stith. Ap. 3.
1617,     Jac. 1. A commiſſion to Sir Walter Raleigh. Qu. ?
1620, Apr.  7. 18. Jac. 1. Commiſſio ſpecialis concernens le garbling herbæ Nocotianæ. 17. Rym. 190.
1620, June  29. 18 Jac. 1. A proclamation for reſtraint of the diſordered trading of tobacco. 17. Rym. 233.
1620, Nov.  3.     Jac. 1. A grant of New-England to the council of Plymouth.
1621, July 24.     Jac. 1. An ordinance and conſtitution of the treaſurer, council and company in Englangd, for a council of ſtate and general aſſembly in Virginia. Stith. Ap. 4.
1621, Sep. 10. 20. Jac. 1. A grant of Nova Scotia to Sir William Alexander. 2. Mem. de l'Amerique. 193.