1650, | Car. 2. | A declaration of Lord Willoughby, governor of barbadoes, and of his council, againſt an act of parliament of 3d of 0ctober 1650. 4. Polit. regiſter. 2. cited from 4. Neal. hiſt. of the Puritans. App. No. 12 but not there. | ||
1650, | Car. 2. | A final ſettlement of boundaries between the Dutch New Netherlands and Connecticut. | ||
1651, | Sept. | 26. | 3. Car. 2. | Inſtructions for Captain Robert Dennis, Mr. Richard Bennet, Mr. Thomas Stagge, and Captain William Claibourne, appointed commiſſioners for the reducing of Virginia and the inhabitants thereof to their due obedience to the commonwealth of England. 1. Thurloe's ſtate papers. 197. |
1651, | Oct. | 9. | 3. Car. 2. | An act for increaſe of ſhipping and encouragement of the navigation of this nation. Scobell's acts. 1449. |
1651-2, Mar. 12. 4. Car. 2. | Articles agreed on and concluded at James citie in Virginia for the ſurrendering and ſettling of that plantation under the obedience and government of the commonwealth of England by the commiſſioners of the council of ſtate, by authoritie of the Parliament of England, and by the grand aſſembly of the governor, council, and burgeſſes of that ſtate M.S. [Ante. p. 206.] |