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Page:Notes on the State of Virginia (1802).djvu/286

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1708-9, Feb. 28. Inſtructions to the governor of New-Jerſey and New-York. Sm. J. 361.
1710, Anug. Earl of Dartmouth's letter to governor Hunter.
1711,  Apr.  22. Premieres propoſitions de la France. 6. Lamberty, 669. 2. Mem. Am. 341.
1711, Oct.  8.  Réponſes de la France aux demandes préliminaries de la Grande-Bretagne. 6. Lamb. 681.2. Mem. Am. 344.
1711 Sept. 27./Oct. 8. Demandes preliminaries plus particulieres de la Grande-Bretagne, avec le réponſes. 2. Mem. de l'Am. 346.
1711, Sept. 27./Oct. 8. L'acceptation de la part de la Grande-Bretagne. 2. Mem. Am. 356.
1711, Dec. 23. The Queen's inſtructions to the Biſhop of Briſtol and Earl of Stafford, her plenipotentiaries, to treat of a general peace. 6. Lamberty, 744. 2. Mem. Am. 358.
1712, May 24./June 10. A memorial of Mr. St. John to the Marquis de Torci, with regard to North America, to commerce, and to the ſuſpenſion of arms. 7. Recuil de Lamberty 161, 2. Mem. de l'Amer. 376.