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Page:Notes on the State of Virginia (1802).djvu/288

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1726.  A treaty with Indians.
1721, Jan. The petition of the repreſentatives of the province of New-Jerſey, to have a diſtinct governor. Sm. N. J. 421.
1723,     G. 2.  Deed of releaſe by the government of Connecticut to that of New-York.
1732, 17 June 9-20. 5. G. 2. The charter Granted by George II. for Georgia. 4. Mem. de l'Am. 617.
1733. Petition of Lord Fairfax, that a commiſſion might iſſue for running and marking the dividing line between his diſtrict and the province of Virginia.
1733, Nov.  29. Order of the king in council for commiſſioners to ſurvey and ſettle the ſaid dividing line between the proprietary and royal territory.
1726, Aug.  5.  Report of the Lords of trade relating to the ſeparating the government of the province of New-Jerſey from New-York. Sm. N. J. 423.