1726. | A treaty with Indians. | |||
1721, | Jan. | The petition of the repreſentatives of the province of New-Jerſey, to have a diſtinct governor. Sm. N. J. 421. | ||
1723, | G. 2. | Deed of releaſe by the government of Connecticut to that of New-York. | ||
1732, | 17 June 9-20. 5. G. 2. | The charter Granted by George II. for Georgia. 4. Mem. de l'Am. 617. | ||
1733. | Petition of Lord Fairfax, that a commiſſion might iſſue for running and marking the dividing line between his diſtrict and the province of Virginia. | |||
1733, | Nov. | 29. | Order of the king in council for commiſſioners to ſurvey and ſettle the ſaid dividing line between the proprietary and royal territory. | |
1726, | Aug. | 5. | Report of the Lords of trade relating to the ſeparating the government of the province of New-Jerſey from New-York. Sm. N. J. 423. |