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Page:Notes on the State of Virginia (1802).djvu/312

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ernment a ſolemn and explicit acknowledgement that they are free, ſovereign, and independent ſtates. During the progress of that war, through which we had to labor for the eſtabliſhment of our rights, the legiſlature of the commonwealth of Virginia found it neceſſary to make a temporary organization of government for preventing anarchy, and pointing our efforts to the two important objects of war againſt our invaders, and peace and happineſs among ourſelves. But this like all other acts of legiſlation, being ſubject to change by ſubſequent legiſlatures, poſſeſſing equal power with themſelves, it has been thought expedient, that it ſhould receive thoſe amendments which time and trial have ſuggeſted, and be rendered permanent by a power ſuperior to that of the ordinary legiſlature. The general aſſembly therefore of this ſtate recommend it to the good people thereof, to chuſe delegates to meet in general convention, with powers to form a conſtitution of government for them, and to declare thoſe fundamentals to which all our laws preſent and future ſhall be ſubordinate and, in compliance with this recommendation, they have thought proper to make choice of us, and to veſt us with powers for this purpoſe.

We therefore, the delegates, choſen by the ſaid good people of this ſtate for the purpoſe aforeſaid, and now aſſembled in general convention, do in execution of the authority with which we are inveſted, eſtabliſh the following conſtitution and fundamentals of government for the ſaid ſtate of Virginia.

The ſaid ſtate ſhall for ever hereafter be governed as a commonwealth.