ing it) returned by them, with their advice of rejection and reaſons, to the houſe wherein it originated, or to the clerk of the ſaid houſe, in caſe of its adjournment over the expiration of the week, it ſhall be law from the expiration of the week, and ſhall then be demandable by the clerk of the houſe of delegates, to be filed of record in his office.
The bills which they approve ſhall become law from the time of ſuch approbation, and ſhall then be returned to, or demandable by, the clerk of the houſe of delegates, to be filed of record in his office.
A bill rejected on advice of the council of reviſion, may again be propoſed, during the ſame ſeſſion of aſſembly, with ſuch alterations as will render it conformable to their advice.
The members of the ſaid council of reviſion ſhall be appointed from time to time by the board or court of which they reſpectively are. Two of the executive and two of the judiciary members ſhall be requiſite to do buſineſs: and to prevent the evils of non-attendance, the board and courts may, at any time name all, or ſo many as they will, of their members, in the particular order in which they would chuſe the duty of attendance to devolve from preceding to ſubſequent members, the preceding failing to attend. They ſhall have additionally for their ſervices in this council the ſame allowance as members of aſſembly have.
The confederation is made a part of this conſtitution, ſubject to ſuch future alterations as ſhall be agreed to by the legiſlature of this ſtate, and by all the other confederating ſtates.