be held, and writs returned, as the laws ſhall have
provided in the caſe of elections of delegates to
aſſembly, mutatis, mutandis, and the ſaid delegates
ſhall meet at the uſual place of holding aſſemblies,
three months after date of ſuch writs, and ſhall be
acknowledged to have equal powers with this
preſent convention. The ſaid writs ſhall be ſigned
by all the members approving the ſame.
To introduce this government, the following ſpecial and temporary proviſion is made.
This convention being authoriſed only to amend thoſe laws which conſtituted the form of government, no general diſſolution of the v/hole ſyſtem of laws can be ſuppoſed to have taken place: but all laws in force at the meeting of this convention, and not inconſiſtent with this conſtitution, remain in full force, ſubject to alterations by the ordinary legiſlature.
The preſent general aſſembly ſhall continue till the 42d day after the laſt Monday of November in this preſent year. On the ſaid laſt Monday of November in this preſent year, the ſeveral counties ſhall by their electors qualified as provided by this conſtitution, elect delegates, which for the preſent ſhall be, in number, one for every militia of the ſaid county, according to the lateſt returns in poſſeſſion of the governor, and ſhall alſo chuſe ſenatorial electors in proportion thereto, which ſenatorial electors ſhall meet on the 14th day after the day of their election, at the court-houſe of that county of their preſent diſtrict which would ſtand firſt in an alphabetical arrangement of their counties, and ſhall chuſe ſenators in the proportion fixed by this conſtitution. The elections and returns ſhall be conducted, in all circumſtances not