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Page:Notes on the State of Virginia (1802).djvu/97

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knowledges to be ‘à peu près de mème ſtature que l'homme de notre monde,’ and to let looſe their influence on his moral faculties? How has this ‘combination of the elements and other phyſical cauſes, ſo contrary to the enlargement of animal nature in this new world, theſe obſtacles to the developement and formation of great germs,’[1] been arreſted and ſuſpended, ſo as to permit the human body to acquire its juſt dimenſions, and by what inconceivable proceſs has their action been directed on his mind alone? To judge of the truth of this, to form a juſt eſtimate of their genius and mental powers, more facts are wanting, and great allowance to be made for thoſe circumſtances of their ſituation which call for a diſplay of particular talents only. This done, we ſhall probably find that they are formed in mind as well as in body, on the ſame module with the [2] ‘Homo ſapiens Europæus.’ The principles of their ſociety forbidding all compulſion, they are to be led to duty and to enterprize by perſonal influence and perſuaſion. Hence eloquence in council, bravery and addreſs in war, become the foundations of all conſequence with them. To theſe acquirements all their faculties are directed. Of their bravery and addreſs in war we have multiplied proofs, becauſe we have been the ſubjects on which they were exerciſed. Of their eminence in oratory, we have fewer examples, becauſe it is diſplayed chiefly in their own councils. Some however, we have of very ſuperior luſtre. I may challenge the whole orations of Demoſthenes and Cicero, and of any more eminent orator, if Europe has furniſhed more eminent, to produce a ſingle paſſage, ſuperi-

  1. XVIII. 146.
  2. Lynn. Syſt. Definition of Men.