“ARTICLES agreed on & concluded at James Cittie in Virginia for the surrendering and settling of that plantation under obedience & goverment of the common wealth of England by the Commissioners of the Councill of state by authoritie of the parliamt. of England & by the Grand assembly of the Governour, Councill & Burgesses of that countrey.
“First it is agreed and consted that the plantation of Virginia, and all the inhabitants thereof shall be and remaine in due obedience and subjection to the Comon wealth of England, according to lawes there established, and that this submission and subscription bee acknowledged a voluntary act not forced nor constrained by a conquest upon the countrey, and that they shall have & enjoy such freedomes and priviledges as belong to the free borne people of England, and that the former government by the Comissions and Instructions be void and null.
“2ly, Secondly that the Grand assembly as formerly shall convene & transact the affairs of Virginia wherein nothing is to be acted or done contrarie to the government of the Comon wealth of England & the lawes there established.
“3ly, That there shall be a full & totall remission and indempnitie of all acts, words, or writeings done or spoken against the parliament of England in relation to the same.
“4ly, That Virginia shall have & enjoy antient bounds and Lymitts granted by the charters of the former kings, and that we shall seek a new charter from the parliament to that purpose against any that have intrencht upon rights thereof.
“5ly, That all the pattents of land granted under the collony seale by any of the precedent governours shall be & remaine in their full force & strength.
“6ly, That the priviledge of haveing ffiiftie acres of land for every person transported in that collonie shall continue as formerly granted.
“7ly, That people of Virginia have free trade as people of England do enjoy to all places and with all nations ac-