cording to lawes of that common wealth, and that Virginia shall enjoy all priviledges equall with any English plantations in America.
“8ly, That Virginia shall be free from all taxes, customs & impositions whatsoever, & none to be imposed on them without consent of the Grand assembly. And soe that neither ffortes nor castles bee erected or garrisons maintained without their consent.
“9ly, That noe charge shall be required from this country in respect of this present ffleet.
“10ly, That for the future settlement of the countrey in their due obedience, the Engagement shall be tendred to all inhabitants according to act of parliament made to that purpose, that all persons who shall refuse to subscribe the said engagement, shall have a yeare's time if they please to remove themselves & their estates out of Virginia, and in the mean time during the said yeare to have equall justice as formerly.
“11ly, That use of the booke of common prayer shall be permitted for one yeare ensueinge with referrence to the consent of major part of the parishes, provided that those things which relate to kingshipp or that government be not used publiquely, and the continuance of ministers in their places, they not misdemeaning themselves, and the payment of their accustomed dues and agreements made with them respectively shall be left as they now stand dureing this ensueing yeare.
“12ly, That no man's cattell shall be questioned as companies unles such as have been entrusted with them or have disposed of them without order.
“13ly, That all ammunition, powder & armes, other then for private use, shall be delivered up, securitie being given to make satisfaction for it.
“14ly, That all goods allreadie brought hither by Dutch or others which are now on shoar shall be free from surprizall.
“15ly, That the quittrents granted unto us by the late kinge for seaven yeares bee confirmed.