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Page:Notes on the State of Virginia (1853).djvu/140

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“16ly, That e/y commissioners for the parliament subscribeing these articles engage themselves & the honour of the parliament for the full performance thereof; and that the present governour & e/y councill & the burgesses do likewise subscribe & engage the whole collony on their parts.

Rich. Bennett.———Seale.
Wm. Claiborne.———Seale. 
Edmond Curtis.———Seale.

“Theise articles were signed & sealed by the Commissioners of the Councill of state for the Commonwealth of England the twelveth day of March 1651.”

Then follow the articles stipulated by the Governor and Council, which relate merely to their own persons and property, and then the ensuing instrument:

“An act of indempnitie made att the surrender of the countrey.

“Whereas by the authoritie of the parliament of England wee the commissioners appointed by the councill of state authorized thereto having brought a fleete & force before James cittie in Virginia to reduce that collonie under the obedience of the commonwealth of England, & findeing force raised by the Governour and countrey to make opposition against the said ffleet whereby assured danger appearinge of the ruine & destruction of e/y plantation, for prevention whereof the Burgesses of all the severall plantations being called to advise & assist therein, uppon long & serious debate, and in sad contemplation of the greate miseries & certaine destruction which were soe neerely hovering over the whole countrey; Wee the said Comissioners have thought fitt & condescended & granted to signe & confirme under our hands, scales, & by our oath, Articles bearinge date with theise presents, and do further declare that by e/y authoritie of the parliament & commonwealth of England derived unto us theire Comissioners, that according to the articles in generall wee have granted an act of indempnitie and oblivion to all the inhabitants of this colloney from all words, actions, or writings that have been spoken, acted or