Page:Notes upon Russia (volume 1, 1851).djvu/173

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lich und kurtzweylig zu lesen. 246 pages, and five pages of index. The Beschreibung von Litthauen, etc., mentioned in the title begins at page 192.

Prag, 1567. A copy of this edition is in the Royal Library of Dresden. It corresponds in respect with the foregoing.

Die Moscovitische Chronica, d. i. Beschreibung des Grossfürsten in der Moscau sammt dessen Ländern, etc. erstlich von Paul Jovio und Sigm. Herberstein in Latein, hernach von Pantaleon ins Teutsche übersetzt. Frankfurt, A.M. 1576, folio.

Frankfurt, A.M., 1579, folio. A repetition of the edition just mentioned.

Frankfurt, A.M., 1589, folio. This impression is mentioned by G. C. Gebauer (Progr. de Vita, Fatis et Scriptis Sigismundi L. B. ab Herberstein), who gives the title as follows—

Die Moscouitische Chronica edita et Georgio a Munster Consiliario Herbipolensi Præfectoque Arnsteinensi inscripta; prioribus merito postponenda cum priorem Pantaleonis, vt reor, editionem secutus, eiusdem de populis Moscouiæ vicinis commentarios non addiderit, et insertis more suo dudum sculptis nihilque ad rem facientibus figuris, Czari Basilii effigiem, Tabulas Geographicas, Chorographicamque, Vri Bisontisque imagines, et reliqua in vtraque Pantaleonis editione seruata ornamenta omiserit.

Wien, 1618, folio. This edition is quoted by G. H. Stuck, in his “Verzeichniss ält. u. neuern Land-und Reisebeschr.” I, p. 142. It appears to be a reprint of the first Vienna edition of 1557.

St. Petersburg, 1795, folio. This edition of the