Page:Nuclear Safety in China (2019).pdf/20

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V. Co-building and Sharing Nuclear Safety

Human factors are the most important in effectively ensuring nuclear safety. China is committed to strengthening nuclear safety culture. It has established a public communication mechanism for nuclear safety that combines supervision by the central government, guidance by local governments, implementation by enterprises, and participation of the public. It regulates and guides the professional attitude and conduct, and encourages extensive public participation. It has created a positive atmosphere in which everyone shoulders responsibility, everyone participates, and the whole industry and society work together to safeguard nuclear safety.

Government guidance. Government departments give full play to the role of policy guidance and supervision, and promote an awareness of the paramount importance of nuclear safety, a sense of weighty responsibility, a rigorous and meticulous approach to regulation, and a spirit of collaboration for further progress. We should actively cultivate and develop a culture of nuclear safety, and through education, regulations, and positive influences, instill the core values of awareness of the rule of law, vigilance, self-discipline, and cooperation into the thoughts and actions of professionals, so as to fully mobilize and stimulate the positive role of human factors. We have issued the Policy Statement on Nuclear Safety Culture, carried out special actions to promote this culture, and established an assessment mechanism so that nuclear safety culture can be internalized in the mind, externalized into practice, and further transformed into conscious action by professionals. We have increased transparency in the operations of the government in accordance with the law, established a press spokesperson system and a mechanism of regular communication with the media, providing explanations on major nuclear safety policies, and promptly releasing information on licensing examination and approval, surveillance and law enforcement, the overall safety situation, radiation environment quality, and incidents and accidents, with the aim of enhancing the transparency of government work and protecting the public's right to know, to participate and to supervise.

Positive action by the industry. Nuclear-related enterprises, public institutions, research institutes, and trade associations have attached great importance to and actively cultivated nuclear safety culture, setting up special institutions, allocating full-time personnel, and exploring innovative new ideas. We have strengthened quality management, education and training, feedback on experience, evaluation, and improvement, and effectively integrated nuclear safety culture into production,