Page:Nuclear Safety in China (2019).pdf/21

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operation, scientific research, and management. Some excellent safety concepts have been generated, such as "rules must be in place; lines of accountability be clear; verification be performed, and documentation be available to refer to", and "put nuclear issues first, cherish cooperation, and take peace and harmony as the foundation". We publicize important information in accordance with the law, including nuclear safety management rules and regulations, the safety status of nuclear facilities, radiation monitoring data on effluents and the environment around nuclear facilities, and annual nuclear safety reports, and actively respond to public concerns about nuclear energy and nuclear safety.

Extensive public participation. We organize and carry out various activities to popularize nuclear science, such as "National Security Education Day", "Public Open Day (Week)", "Nuclear Safety Culture on Campus and in the Community", and "Popularizing Science in China, Green Nuclear Energy". Through discussions, field experiences, media publicity and other channels, understanding of nuclear safety is enhanced throughout society. Based on the principles of equality, extensiveness and convenience, we have established a mechanism for broad public participation, and fully solicit opinions on major nuclear safety issues concerning the public interest in the form of questionnaires, hearings, seminars, and feasibility study meetings. We have provided extensive publicity and education on nuclear safety for the whole of society, set up science popularization networks and new media platforms, built national education bases to popularize nuclear science, and developed public publicity facilities and industrial tourism projects. We have included nuclear safety education into the training of officials and the education system for young people, and guided the public to understand, contribute to, and maintain nuclear safety.

VI. Building a Community of Shared Future for Nuclear Safety

The peaceful development and utilization of nuclear energy is the common aspiration of all countries, and ensuring nuclear safety is their shared responsibility. China advocates the development of an international nuclear safety system characterized by fairness, cooperation, and mutual benefit. It facilitates the global effort on nuclear safety governance through fair and pragmatic cooperation, works together with the rest of the world to build a community of shared future for global nuclear safety, and promotes the building of a community of shared future for humanity.