to conjecture from nature. For if a peculiar passion is inherent in a certain individual genus, as fortitude in lions, it is necessary also that there should be a certain sign, for it is supposed that they (the body and soul) sympathize with each other, and let this be the having great extremities, which also is contingent to other, not whole, genera. For the sign is thus peculiar, because the passion is a peculiarity of the whole genus, and is not the peculiarity of it alone, as we are accustomed to say. The same (sign) then will also be inherent in another genus, and man will be brave, and some other animal, it will then possess that sign, for there was one (sign) of one (passion). If then these things are so, and we can collect such signs in those animals, which have one peculiar passion alone, but each (passion) has its (own) sign, since it is necessary that it should have one, we may be able to conjecture the nature from the bodily frame. But if the whole genus have two peculiarities, as a lion has fortitude and liberality, how shall we know which of those signs that are peculiarly consequent is the sign, if either (passion)? Shall we say that we may know this, if both are inherent in something else, but not wholly, and in what each is not inherent