Engliſhe Dogges.
a burning beacon) foreshoweth hassards at hand? What maner of beast stronger? what seruaūt to his master more louing? what companion more trustie? what watchman more vigilant? what reuenger more constant? what messinger more speedie? what water bearer more painefull? Finally what packhorse more patient? And thus much concerning English Dogges, first of the gentle kinde, secondly of the courser kinde. Nowe it remaineth that we deliuer vnto you the Dogges of a mungrell or a currishe kinde, and then will wee perfourme our taske.
¶ A Diall pertaining to the fourth Section.
Dogs comprehended in ye fourth secion are these | The shepherdsdogge The Mastiue of Bandogge |
which hath sundry names deriued frō sundry circumstaunces as | The keeper or watchman The butchers dogge The messinger or carrier The Mooner The water drawer The Tinckers curr The fencer, |
called in Latine Canes Rustici. |