The fifth Section of this treatiſe.
Containing Curres of the mungrell and rascall sort and first of the Dogge called in Latine, Admonitor and of vs in Englishe VVappe or VVarner.
F such dogges as keep not their kinde, of such as are mingled out of sundry sortes not imitating the conditions of some one certaine spice, because they resēble no notable shape, nor exercise any worthy property of the true perfect and gentle kind, it is not necessarye that I write any more of them, but to banishe them as vnprofitable implements, out of the boundes of my Booke, vnprofitable I say for any use that is commendable, except to intertaine strangers with their barcking in the day time, giuing warnyng to them of the house, that such & such be newly come, wherevpon wee call them admonishing Dogges, because in that point they performe theyr office.
Of the Dogge called Turnespete in Latine Veruuersator.
THere is comprehended, vnder the curres of the coursest kinde, a certaine dogge in kytchen seruice excellent. For whē any meate is to bee roasted they go into a wheele which they turning rounde about with the waight of their bodies, so diligently looke to their businesse,