Page:Old English Gospel of Nicodemus - Hulme 1904.djvu/16

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William H. Hulme

for-þan-þe we wæron onfyrhte, þæt we þær lagen swylce we deade wæron for þæs ængles ansyne, and for-þan we þa wif gefon ne mihten." Þa cwæden þa Iudees: "Beo ure Scyppende, we ne gelefeð eow na." Þa weardmænn andsweredan: "Hwy nolden ge belefen on hine? Witodlice he wæs Godes sune." Þa cweden þa Iudeas: "Bute ge us þæs Hælendes lichame gesyllen, ge sculen on yfele deaðe þrowigen." Þa weardmæn andswereden: "Æteowið us Ioseph þe ge on cwarterne beclysden, and we eow gesylleð þone Hælend." "Josep we mugen begyten; he is on his ceastre on Barimathia." Þa cæmpen andswarodan. “Gyf Ioseph is on 16 Barimathia, ðonne is se Hælend on Galilea, swa swa se ængel þan wifen sæigde."

Þa wurden heo ealle afyrhte and cwæden: "Gyf þiss cuð byð þæt se Hælend of deaðe arisen beo, þonne eall to feale wylleð [Fol. 90a] on hine gelefen." And heo gegaderedan mycelne sceatt and geafon heom, and bæden þæt heo scolden secgen þæt his cnihtes comen and þone lichame heom forstælen, þa-þa heo slæpende wæron. "And gyf hit cuð byð Pilaten, we byð for eow and eow hogelease gedoð."