Page:Old English Gospel of Nicodemus - Hulme 1904.djvu/27

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The Old English Gospel of Nicodemus

he scolde of heofone to eorðe and þær geheren þa geomerunga his gebundenra þeowen. Ac nu [þu] fule and þu stinchende helle, geopene raðe þine gaten, þæt muge ingan þæs ecen wuldres King.' Þa Dauid þuss gespecan hæfde, þa þærto becom se wulderfulle King on mannes gelicnysse and þa gaten tobræc and þa þeostre ealle onlihte and þær þa synbændes ealle tobræc and ure ealde fæderes ealle geneosode, þær heo on þan þeostre lange gewuned hæfden. Seo helle and se deað and heora arlease þegnes, þa heo þæt [Fol. 97b] gesegen and geherden, heo wæron forhtigende mid heora wælreowen þeignen, for-þan-þe heo on heora agene riche swa mycele brihtnysse gesegen. Þa gesegen heo hine sitten on þan setle þe he sylf geahnede, þa cweden heo: 'Nu we synden ealle oferswiðene and ofercumene. Ac sege us, hwæt eart þu, þu þe buten ælcere wæmmunge and buten flite us hæfest ealle ofercumene and genyðered? And hwæt eart þu swa mycellic and lytel and hehlic, and swa wunderlic on anes mannes heowe, þæt þu hæfest us ofercumen? Þu læge dead and bebyred, and eart leofigende hider gefaren to us. And on þine deaðe ealle tunglen and gesceafte wurðen gestyrede. And þu eart freols geworden betwux eallen oðren deaden, and eall ure werod þu hæfest swyðe gedrefed, and hæfest nu hider swa mycel liht gebroht, and mid þinre brihtnysse synden ealle