Page:On Our Selection.djvu/248

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The Bulletin Books.

The Books made from the files of The Bulletin — Australia's Premier Weekly — represent all that is best and most characteristic in young Australian literature.

Price, 21b.

On the Hop ! (Edition deluxe; boxed).
Phil May in Australia (Edition de luxe; boxed).

Price, 10s. 6d.

Hearts of Gold and other Verses (Edition de luxe).
A Southern Garland (Edition de luxe).
Hits, Skits, and Jingles (Edition de luxe).

Price, 6s.

On Our Selection, by A. H. Davis ("Steele Rudd").
Our New Selection, by A. H. Davis ("Steele Rudd").
The Red Pagan, by A. G. Stephens. Superior edition.

Price, 4s. 6d.

A Southern Garland. Verses of R. Quinn, Jas. Hebblethwaite, Louise Mack, Hubert Church, and Bernard O'Dowd.
The Bulletin Reciter, by Eighty "Bulletin" Writers.
The Bulletin Story Book, by Sixty " Bulletin " Writers.
Hearts of Gold and Other Verses, by Will H. Ogilvie.
At Dawn and Dusk, Verses by Victor J. Daley.
Maoriland, and Other Verses, by Arthur H. Adams.
Such is Life (A Real Australian Yarn), by Tom Collins.

Price, 3s. 6d.

Hits, Skits, and Jingles, by W. T. Goodge.
The Red Pagan, by A. G. Stephens. Cheaper edition.

Price, 2s. 6d.

Castro's Last Sacrament and Other Stories, by Albert Dorrington.
Hits, Skits, and Jingles, by W. T. Goodge.
Phil May in Australia (Cheaper edition).

Price, 1s. 3d.

Victor Daley, a Biographical and Critical Account, by A. G. Stephens.

Price, 1s.

Bushman and Buccaneer, by "Frank Renar." Collected Verses of Harry Morant ("The Breaker"), with biographical notice.
A Queenslander's Travel-Notes, by A. G. Stephens.

Price, 6d.

The Last of Six, by Ernest Favenc.

A Policy for the Commonwealth, by James Edmond
