bano, Pietro di (Apponensis or Apianus), 2.
Abbas, Hali ('Alí ibn Al 'Abbās, Al Majúsi, 2, 6.
Abohalis, 47. See also Avicenna.
aciarium or acies, also aciare, 18, 23, 33, 36.
Acosta, Josephus, 5.
adamant, 11.
æquator, the magnetick, 13, 79.
Aetius Amidenus, 2.
Affaytatus, Fortunius, 6.
agate, non electrick, 51, 53.
Agricola, Georgius, 2, 3, 10, 19, 26, 111, 112.
Agrippa, H. Cornelius, 3.
aimant, 11.
Albategnius (Muhammad ibn Jābir, Al-Battāni, 237.
Albertus Magnus, 2, 7, 18, 111.
Alexander Aphrodiseus, 3, 48, 92.
Alexandria, Hero of, 58.
Alfonso, Diego, 178.
Alfonsus the Wise (Alphonsus X.), 237.
Amalfians said to have first constructed the compass, 4.
Amatus Lusitanus, 2.
amber, 47, 49-60, 85, 112, 116.
amethyst, electrical properties of, 48.
amianth, 11.
Amidenus, Aetius, 2.
amphitane, 111.
Anatolismus, or Northeasting, 167.
Anaxagoras, 61, 208.
Andrea Doria (Admiral), 4.
Antonius de Fantis, 107.
Antonius Musa Brasavolus, 2.
Antony, the denarius of, 110.
Apianus. See Abano.
Apponensis. See Abano.
Aquinas, Thomas, 3, 64.
Aractensis, Mahometes, 234, 237.
Archelaus, 208.
Ardoynis, Santes de, 2.
Arias Montanus, 4.
Aristarchus, 214, 237.
De Anima, 1, 11, 61, 210.
De Cœlo, 226, 232.
De Mirabilibus Auscultationibus, 22.
Meteorologica, 35, 39.
on material of the metals, 19, 20.
on the element of earth, 43.
on motions, 45, 219, 225.
on primary form, 65.
on the Primum Mobile, 220.
on animate nature of planets, 208.
armed loadstones, 86, 87, 88, 89.
Arnaldus de Villa nova, 2, 7.
Arsinoe, Temple of, 2.
Attraction, 46, 60, 64, 68, 90, 98, 109.
Avicenna (Abu 'Ali Husain ibn 'Abd Allah, Ibn Síná; also called Abohalis):
writes on the magnet, 2.
on falling masses of iron, 26.
alleges loadstone an antidote to iron poison, 35.
on the property of attraction, 49.
axis, the magnetick, 13, 81, 212.
Azores, variation of compass at the, 4, 154, 156, 167.
acon, Roger, 5.
Bambola, or Bilbilis, 23.
Baptista Montanus, 2.
Baptista Porta. See Porta.
Barbarus, Hermolaus, 3.
Barlowe, William (Rev. Archdeacon), his book, The Navigators Supply, 8.
basil leaves alleged not to be attracted, 48.
belemnites are electrical, 48.
Bencora (Thābit ibn Kurrah, Al Harrani; also called Thebitius), 117, 236.
Benedictus, Joannes Baptista (Giambattista Benedetti), 167.
beryl, electrick properties of, 48.
Bessardus (Toussaincte de Bessard), 5, 116, 153.
Blondus, Flavius, the historian, 4.
Borough, William, his book on the Variation of the Compass, 8.
Borrholybicum (North-north-west), 160.
Brahe, Tycho, 174, 229.
Brandoe, the island of, 181.
Brasavolus, Antonius Musa, 2.
Bristolla, or Bristol gem, 48.
burnt clay, magnetick properties of, 26, 43.