abot, Sebastian, 4.
Cælius Calcagninus, 7.
Cæsare, or Cesare, Giulio, 141.
Calaber, Hannibal Rosetius, 3,
calamita or kalamita, 11.
Calcagninus, Cælius, 7.
Camillus Leonhardus, 3.
Candish, or Cavendish, Thomas, *iij, 117.
cap of iron for a loadstone, 86, 89, 90, 95.
carabe, or karabe, 47.
carbuncle, electrick properties of, 48, 111.
Cardan, Hieronymo, 2.
De Proportionibus:
on iron and earth, 43, 62, 67.
on distance of centre of cosmos, 169.
De Rerum Varietate:
on fall of meteorick iron, 26.
on attraction of amber, 49.
on a perpetual motion engine, 107.
De Subtilitate:
alleges magnet to feed on iron, 37, 63, 92.
on magnet that draws silver, 110.
on magnetick influence of star in tail of Ursa Minor, 5, 116, 153.
catoblepas, the antelope called, 63.
Cesare, Giulio, 141.
chalybs, 18, 25, 33.
chatochitis, 111.
chemists, the, 19, 20, 21, 24, 37, 66.
China, 4, 8, 9, 11, 17, 32, 119.
Chinocrates, 2.
circumpulsion, doctrine of, 3, 61.
clamps (open kilns), 26.
clay when burnt is magnetick, 26, 43, 97.
clepsydra, 231.
Coimbra, College of, 5.
coition (mutual attraction), 45, 46, 60, 65, 67, 68, 81, 98, 99, 103, 109, 131.
definition of, *vj, 68.
orbe of, *vj.
Como, 23.
compass, alleged invention of, by Amalfians, 4.
origin of the compass-card, 4, 165.
the mariners' (pyxis), 3, 115, 147, 165, 172.
the little (pyxidula), 181, 202.
different forms of, Italian, Baltic, Portuguese, English, 165, 166, 177, 181.
consequent poles, 129, 142.
Copernican system, 231.
Copernicus, Nicolas, 212, 214, 216, 231, 237, 238, 240.
Cordus, Valerius, 10.
Cornelius Agrippa, 3.
Cornelius Gemma, 63.
Cornelius Tacitus, 25.
corolla intorta, or contorted circlet, 238, 240.
Cortes, Martin, 5, 116, 152.
Corvo, Island of, 167.
Costa, Filippo (of Mantua), 141.
Costæus, Joannes, 3, 62, 227, 228.
creagus, the, or flesh-magnet, 110.
crystal, rock, 48, 52, 59, 111
Curtius, Nicolaus, 35.
Cusan (Michael Khrypffs), Cardinal de Cusa, 3, 64, 108.
Cynosure, the, or Pole-star, 14, 81, 117, 222, 235.
ean, Forest of, loadstone found in the, 11.
decay of the magnetick virtue, 18, 37, 124, 138, 149.
declination, the, or dip, 184.
denarius of Antony, 110.
diamond, an electrick, 48, 50, 59, 111.
alleged power to attract iron, 109, 112.
alleged antipathy to magnet, 2, 7, 109, 143.
experiments upon, 143.
Differences between electricks and magneticks, 47, 60, 65.
Dioscorides, 1, 2, 9, 32.
dip, the, also called declination, 8, 46, 184-204.
dipping-needle, or declination instrument, 185, 203.
direction, or directive force, 41, 46, 115, 119.
dividing a loadstone, 16, 72, 100, 121, 122, 127, 130, 136, 145, 146.
Dominicus Maria Ferrariensis, 212, 213.
Doria, Andrea (Admiral), 4.
Drake, Sir Francis, *iij bis, 117.
Du Puys (also called Puteanus), 3, 63.
arth, the, a great magnet, 38, 39, 40, 41, 44, 119, 211.
echeneis (the sucking fish), 7, 63, 110.
Ecphantus, 214.
effluvia, electrical, 52, 53, 59, 66.
magnetical, 61.
electrical attraction, 50, 51, 111.
electrick force, definition of, 52.
electricks, *vj, 46-60.
electrum (ἤλεκτρον), 47.
emerald is non-electrick, 51.
emery, 22, 51.
Empedocles, 208.
Encelius (or Entzelt, Christoph.), 3, 111.
Epicurius, 61, 62.
Erasmus Rheinholdus, 213.
Erastus, Thomas, 3, 22.
errors in navigation, 166, 177.
Evax, King of Arabia, 111.
Euripides, 9, 11, 18.