Page:On to Pekin.djvu/106

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let. I was foolish enough to name Bartlett to him."

"Yes, that was a bad move, Nuggy. After this you must be as mum as an oyster."

Nuggy Polk agreed to this, yet he felt very much as if he was locking the stable door after the horse was stolen. It is said that "a guilty conscience is its own accuser," and it was largely so in the present instance.

On the third day out, the island of Formosa was sighted far in the west; and the course was now north-north-east, past numerous small islands and rocks, straight for Nagasaki, which lies, as many of my young readers must know, close to the entrance to the Yellow Sea. The weather continued to be all that was desired, and many a soldier, tired out with his campaigning in the Philippines, wished that the voyage might last a long time.

"Sure, an' it almost makes me wisht I was a sailor," observed Dan Casey. "A loife on the rollin' dape seems jest to suit me."

"You have your sea legs now, Dan," replied Gilbert, who stood by. "But you didn't have them when we came to the Philippines."