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Index:On to Pekin.djvu

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Title On to Pekin
Author Edward Stratemeyer
Illustrator A. B. Shute
Year 1900
Publisher Lee and Shepard
Location Boston
Source djvu
Progress Proofread—All pages of the work proper are proofread, but not all are validated
Transclusion Advertising not transcluded


I. Introducing the Young Lieutenant 1
II. Close Quarters in the Jungle 10
III. Something about the People of China 20
IV. Captain Ponsberry has his Say 31
V. Gilbert meets Nuggy Polk 41
VI. Off for China 51
VII. What caused the War 60
VIII. A Discovery on Shipboard 70
IX. Gilbert reaches a Conclusion 80
X. About an Important Letter 92
XI. The Relief of Admiral Seymour's Party, 102
XII. A Storm and a Quarrel 112
XIII. The Landing at Tongku 123
XIV. A First Battle on Chinese Soil 133
XV. Fighting along the Pei-Ho 144
XVI. Entering Tien-Tsin under Difficulties 154
XVII. Gilbert meets Amos Bartlett 164
XVIII. The Spy in the River 174
XIX. Saving the Mission House 187
XX. The Bombardment of Tien-Tsin 198
XXI. Charging upon the Native Quarter 210
XXII. An Adventure in a Joss House 220
XXIII. Gilbert's Narrow Escape 229
XXIV. Nuggy Polk's Set-back 239
XXV. "Onto Pekin!" 250
XXVI. The Battle of Peitsang 260
XXVII. A Rainy March to Tung-Chow 269
XXVIII. The Fight before Pekin 279
XXIX. How the Besieged were relieved 286
XXX. The Burning of the Prison 296
XXXI. Gilbert returns Good for Evil 305
XXXII. Back to Taku—Conclusion 317