Page:On to Pekin.djvu/159

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Fourth of July. "The whole battalion is going, and Major Morris agrees with me that we are Kkely to celebrate the day by firing a good many shots."

"All right, captain. I am ready any time the major sets," answered Gilbert, with a grim smile. "I came to China to fight; and I believe fighting is a good bit like swimming,—the sooner you get into trim for it and plunge in, the better off you are. It won't do for a swimmer to stand on the bank and shiver, as he looks at the cold water; and it won't do for a soldier to get the 'yellow shakes,' as our Western boys term it, listening to the guns from a distance."

At this homely view of things. Captain Banner laughed. "I don't believe you will get the shakes," he said. "You have been through the mill too often."

"But I may get them, nevertheless. I have heard tell that the best of officers get shaky at times. There is no such thing as utter nervelessness, if you'll allow me to coin the word."

Orders were soon going the rounds; and, after a hasty breakfast, blanket rolls were packed, guns inspected, and additional ammunition passed around. In an hour more the battalion was on the march,