Page:On to Pekin.djvu/67

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"By the way, do you belong in Manila?" he went on, determined to "pump" Polk without making himself known.

"Me belong to Manila?" cried the young man. "Not much. You couldn't hire me to live in such a back-number town. No, I'm from Richmond, Virginia."

"Then you are a good way from home. But I, too, come from Virginia," continued Gilbert. "I was born in Powhatan Court House," which was the exact truth.

"Is that so? Glad to know you. You're a lieutenant, I reckon, by the uniform."

"I am, Mr.—"

"Nuglich Polk is my handle. Generally called Nuggy by my friends. And you are?—"

"My name is Gilbert."

"Proud to know you!" The young man tried to look sober for a second, then burst out into a fit of unreasonable laughter. "Say, but I cut a figure, didn't I, when I went into the mud?"

"I didn't see very clearly. I was watching your team."

"Oh, don't smooth it over, lieutenant. It's all