Page:On to Pekin.djvu/96

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"Never mind. I would be more close-mouthed if I were you."

"You get scared when there is absolutely nothing to scare you."

"I think it pays to be cautious."

"I am cautious—when there is need for it."

"No, you are not. Before you get through, you will tell everybody that you are going to do Amos Bartlett out of his shares in the Richmond Importing Company."


"All right. I know you."

"See here, Jerry Nickerson, who is running this affair?" cried Nuggy Polk, angrily. "You talk as if I were a child in apron-strings."

"I am only trying to give you a bit of sound advice; but you won't take it, and perhaps you'll have to suffer."

"Rats!" was the sporty young man's characteristic response, and he stalked off to watch the drill.

In the confined space on the transport but little marching could be done, yet one company after another went through the manual of arms, including the acts of loading, aiming, and firing at an imaginary