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Page:One Hundred English Folksongs (1916).djvu/200

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My Man John

Collected and arranged by
Cecil J. Sharp

\header {
    tagline = "" % no footer
\score {
    % \language "english"
        { \new ChoirStaff <<
            \omit Score.BarNumber
            { \new Staff <<
                \set Staff.midiInstrument = "violin"
                \set Staff.instrumentName = \markup {\small "VOICE"}
                \new Voice = "Melody"
                \relative c' {
                    \set Score.tempoHideNote = ##t \tempo 4 = 130
                    \tempo "Moderato"
                    \clef treble
                    \key g \major
                    \time 4/4
                    % Main vocal part
                    d4^\markup {\italic "(He)"} g4 g4. g8 | a8 a8 a8 a8 b4. b8 | \stemDown c8 \stemUp e,8 e8 e8 e8 fis8 g8 g8 |
                    a8 b8 a8 g8 fis4 e8[( d8)] | d8 g8 g8 g8 g4. g8 | a4 g8 a8 b4. a8 |
                    g8 a8 b8 \stemDown c8 d4 e8 c8 | b4 \stemUp a4 g4 b4\rest | d,8^\markup {\italic "(John)"} g8 g8 g8 g4 g8 g8 |
                    a8 a8 a8 a8 \stemDown b4. b8 | c8 \stemUp e,8 e8 e8 e8 fis8 g8 g8 | a8 b8 a8 g8 fis4 e8[( d8)] |
                \new Lyrics \with { associatedVoice = "Melody" } {
                    % lyrics
                    \lyricmode {
                        My4 man4 John,4. what8 | can8 the8 mat8 -- ter8 be,4. That8 | I8 should8 love8 the8 la8 -- dy8 fair8 and8
                        she8 should8 not8 love8 "me?"4 She4 __ | will8 not8 be8 my8 bride,4. my8 | joy4 nor8 my8 dear,4. And8
                        nei8 -- ther8 -- will8 she8 walk4 with8 me8 | an4 -- y4 -- where4 _4 | Court8 her,8 dear8 -- est- Mas4 -- ter,8 you8
                        court8 her8 with8 -- out8 fear,4. And8 | you8 will8 win8 the8 la8 -- dy8 in8 the8 | space8 of8 half8 a8 year;4 And4 
            >> }
            { \new PianoStaff <<
                \set PianoStaff.midiInstrument = "piano"
                \set PianoStaff.instrumentName = #"PIANO"
                \new Staff {
                    \clef treble
                    \key g \major
                    \new Voice = "One" \relative c'' {  % treble clef piano voice one
          \override DynamicTextSpanner.dash-period = #-1
          \override DynamicText.self-alignment-X = #1.5
          g4\( d4 b4 a8[( g8)] | a4 <fis c'>4 <g b>4.\) b'8\rest | <g, c e>2\( <c e a>2\) | \break
          a'4\( a8[ g8] fis4\) e8\([ d8] | <b g'>4 d4 b4 a8[( g8)] | a4 <fis c'>4 <g b>2\)| \break
          g'2.\( <a, e' g>4\) | b'4\rest <a, d fis>4 b'8\rest g8\([ b8 d8] | s1 | \break
          a8[ g8 fis8 c'8] <g b>8[ <a c>8] \stemDown <b d>4\) \stemUp | b8\rest c8[( g8 c,8)] b'8\rest e,8[( c8 g8)] | \slurUp b'8\rest c,8[( d8 e8] fis4) e8[( d8)] |
        \new Voice = "Two" \relative c' {  % treble clef piano voice two
          s1 | s1 | s1 | \break
          <c d>2. c4 | s1 s1 | \break
          b2 d4 s4 | s1 | b'8\rest g'4 d4 b8 c8[ b8] | \break
          d,4 fis4 s2 | s1 | s8 c4.( c4) c4 | 
                \new Staff {
                    \clef bass
                    \key g \major
                    \new Voice = "Three" \relative c' {  % bass clef piano voice one
          <g, g'>4 <d d'>4 <b b'>4 <a a'>8[( <g g'>8)] | <fis fis'>4 <d d'>4 <g g'>4. d''8\rest | <a, a'>2\( \stemDown g''2\) | \break
          fis8\([ g8 fis8 e8] d4 fis4\)  | \stemUp <g, g'>4 <d d'>4 
        \new Voice = "Four" \relative c {  % bass clef piano voice two
            >> }
        >> }
    \layout { }
    \midi { }