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Page:One Hundred English Folksongs (1916).djvu/201

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plf = #(make-dynamic-script
        (markup #:normal-text #:italic "più rall."
          #:dynamic "f"))
atp = #(make-dynamic-script
        (markup #:normal-text #:italic "a tempo"
          #:dynamic "p"))
\paper {
    tagline = ##f
    indent = #0
    \omit Score.BarNumber
    \once \override Score.TimeSignature #'stencil = ##f
    \new Staff {
      << \new Voice = "Melody" \relative c' { % Main vocal part
        \key g \major
        d8 g8 g8 g8 g4. g8 | a4 g8 a8  \stemUp b4. \stemNeutral a8 | g8 a8 b8 c8 d4 e8 c8 \bar "||" \time 2/4 \stemUp b4 a4 \bar "||" \time 4/4 \break
        \time 4/4 g2. r4 | r2 r4 r8 \once \override Flag.stencil = ##f d8^\markup {\italic "(He)"} | d8 g8 g8 g8 g8 g8 g8 g8 | a8~ a8 \set fontSize = -2 \stemDown a8 a8 \stemUp \set fontSize = 1 b4. b8 | \break % d8 was forced to look as d4 as per the scan. Does not fit the time though.
        \stemDown c8( \stemUp e,8) e8 e8 e8 fis8 g8 g8 | a8( b8) a8 g8 fis4 e8[( d8)] | d8 g8 g8 g8 g4. g8 | a4 g8 a8 b4. a8 |
      }  \\ 
      \relative c'' { % upside down small additional notes for vocal part
        \stemUp \autoBeamOff
        s1 | s1 | s1 | s2 | \break
        s1 | s1 | s1 | s4 a4 s2 | \break
        s1 | s1 | s1 | s1 | 
      } >>

      \new Lyrics \with { associatedVoice = "Melody" } { % lyrics 1st row
         \set fontSize = #-3
         \lyricmode   {
            she8 will8 be8 your8 bride,4. your8 | joy4 and8 your8 dear,4. And8 | she8 will8 take8 a8 walk4 with8 you8 | an4 -- y4 -- 
            where.2. _4 | _2. "1."8 O8 | Mad8 -- am,8 I8 will8 give8 to8 you8 a8 | lit8 -- le8 grey8 -- _ hound,4. And8 
            ev8 -- 'ry8 hair8 up8 -- on8 its8 back8 shall8 | cost8 a8 thou8 -- sand8 pound,4 If4 __ | you8 will8 be8 my8 bride,4. my8 | Joy4 and8 my8 dear,4. And8
      \new Lyrics \with { associatedVoice = "Melody" } { 	% lyrics 2nd row
         \set fontSize = #-3
         \lyricmode {
            _1*3 _2
            _1 _2. "2."8 O8 | Mad8 -- am,8 I8 will8 give8 to8 you8 a8 | fine4 __ i8 -- v'ry8 comb,4. To8
            fas8 -- ten8 up8 your8 sil8 -- ver8 locks8 when8 | I8 am8 not8 at8 home,4 If4 __ | you8 will8 be8 my8 bride,4. my8 | Joy4 and8 my8 dear,4. And8
      \new Lyrics \with { associatedVoice = "Melody" }  {  % lyrics 3rd row
         \set fontSize = #-3
         \lyricmode {
            _1*3 _2
            _1 _2. "3."8 O8 | Mad8 -- am,8 I8 will8 give8 to8 you8 a8 | cush8 -- ion8 full8 of8 pins,4. To8
            pin4 __ up8 your8 lit8 -- tle8 ba8 -- by's8 | white4 mus8 -- e8 -- lins,4 If4 __ | you8 will8 be8 my8 bride,4. my8 | Joy4 and8 my8 dear,4. And8
      \new Lyrics \with { associatedVoice = "Melody" } {  % lyrics 4th row
         \set fontSize = #-3
         \lyricmode {
            _1*3 _2
            _1 _2. "4."8 O8 | Mad8 -- am,8 I8 will8 give8 to8 you8 the8 | keys4 __ of8 my 8 heart,4. To8
            lock8 it8 up8 for8 ev8 -- er8 that8 we8 | nev8 -- er8 more8 shall8 part,4 If4 __ | you8 will8 be8 my8 bride,4. my8 | Joy4 and8 my8 dear,4. And8
    \new PianoStaff <<
      \new Staff {
        \key g \major
        \new Voice = "One" \relative c'' {  % treble clef piano voice one
          \override DynamicTextSpanner.dash-period = #-1
          \override DynamicText.self-alignment-X = #1.5
          b8\rest  g,4\( b4 d4 g8 | b8\rest a8[ g8 a8] b4.\)\cresc a8\( | g4 fis8[ e8] <g, d'>4  <g c e>4\plf \bar "||" \time 2/4 <g b d>4( <a c fis>4)\) \bar "||" \time 4/4 \break
          b'4\rest \once \override DynamicText.self-alignment-X = #1 d,4(\atp e4 d4) | b'4\rest d,4( e4 d4) | b'4\rest d,4(\p e4 d4) | b'4\rest <a, c>4( b4 d4) | \break
          b'4\rest <c, g'>4( <e a>4 <c g'>4) | b'8\rest c,8[( d8 e8] fis4) <d a>4 | b'4\rest           \shape #'(( 0 . 0) (0 . 0) (0 . 0) (4 . 0) ) PhrasingSlur g2.\(\mf | b4\rest d,4 b'4\rest d,4 \) |
        \new Voice = "Two" \relative c' {  % treble clef piano voice two
          s1 | s8 d4.( d4) dis4 | e8 b4. s4 s4 | s2 | \break
          s4 b2. | s4 b2. | s4 b2. | s1 | \break
          s1 | s8 c4.( c4) s4 | s4 d4 e4 d4 | c2 b2 |
      \new Staff {
        \clef "bass"
        \key g \major
        \new Voice = "Three" \relative c' {  % bass clef piano voice one
          g,4 b4 d4 g4 | fis4 e8[ fis8] g4 fis4 | e4( d!8[ c8] b4) c4 | \stemUp d4( d,4) | \break
          d'4\rest d4( e4 d4) | d4\rest d4( e4 d4) | d4\rest d4( e4 d4) | d4\rest fis4( g4 d4) | \break
          e4\rest e4( g4 e4) | a4\rest fis8[( g8] a4) fis4 | f4\rest g2. | f4\rest fis4 f4\rest g4 |        
        \new Voice = "Four" \relative c {  % bass clef piano voice two
          s1 s1 s1 s2 | \break
          g1 | g1 | g1 | g1 | \break
          a1 | d2. c4 | b2 c4 b4 | a2 g2