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December, 1917
Oregon Exchanges

Walter R. Dimm, graduate of the school of journalism, who was formerly associated with his father, J. C. Dimm, in the publication of the Springfield News, has been advertising man for the W. F. Grant company at Albany, New York. He spent last month at 95 Elm street, Albany, recovering from a severe attack of typhoid fever. Mr. Dimm was accepted by the army Y. M. C. A. for service abroad, but changed his mind and enlisted in the Quartermaster corps as a printer.

Sergt. Forrest L. Moe, 12th company, Oregon Coast Artillery, stationed at Fort Canby, Washington, has been recommended to attend the third officers’ training school at the Presidio, San Francisco, beginning about January 5. Sergt. Moe, who

Allen G. Thurman, circulation manager of The Dalles Chronicle, has resigned and will leave for San Francisco, where he will take charge of the “city circulation” of the San Francisco Call, one of the largest newspapers in the west and the oldest paper in the bay city. The fact that Mr. Thurman was chosen for this responsible position proves his high capability in the circulation end of the newspaper business.—The Dalles Chronicle.

C. J. Owen, business manager of the Pendleton Evening Tribune, recently paid

a hurried



Camp Lewis to visit his son, Jerrold Owen, now a lieutenant in the in

fantry. Owen, Jr., until his enlist ment, was city hall reporter on the Morning Oregonian. Just before reporting at American Lake he

was a member of the Barometer staff while at Oregon Agricultural

plighted his troth to a well known

College, has had newspaper experience on the Hood River Glacier.

Portland young lady.

W. S. Brown of the Nyssa Jour


nal responded to an S. O. S. call

Alvin A. Anderson, formerly in the editorial department of the Astoria Evening Budget, the Aber deen, South Dakota, News, and the Minneapolis News, is back in God ’s country again. He is now assistant

for assistance in the issuing of the Malheur Enterprise during the last week in November. Mr. Brown operated the linotype until the arrival of Mr. Henry, after which

he worked in the job and ad de

secretary of the Astoria Pulp and partments.

Paper Co., a new concern which is turning out

chipboard and


may later branch into newsprint. MOM

C. E. Wilson has resigned a reportorial position on the Salem Capital Journal and has returned to Texarkana, Texas, where he will

take a position with Bradstreets. His place has been filled by G. E. Brookins, formerly of the Univer sity of Oregon, who has been a publisher of country newspapers in the Willamette valley. Moi._.

Merlin S. Batley, formerly a jour nalism





and now a member of the staff of the Twin Falls Times of Twin Falls,

Idaho, was married to Vesta Dene Thomas of Twin Falls on Thanks giving day. Mrs. Batley attended Northwestern University at Evans

ton, Illinois.

-—o S. C. Morton, editor of Helens Mist and mayor Helens, has been appointed judge of Columbia county ceed Judge R. S. Hattan, Helens.

The vacancy was

the St. of St. county to suc of St. caused

by the death of Judge Hattan.— Hood River News. ————o Findley McNaughton, formerly a member of the morning staff of the Oregon Journal of Portland, and Clyde Beals, formerly of the after noon staff, now both attached to the 91st division, Field Hospital, spent Thanksgiving with Portland rela tives and friends. 0—M

Arthur N. Jones, formerly tele graph editor of the Oregon States man of Salem, now holding a similar position on the Medford Sun, spent Thanksgiving day with friends in Salem. 25