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December, 1917
Oregon Exchanges

Dr. Frederick L. Upjohn, noted motorboat enthusiast with an international reputation, who died recently at Huntington, Long Island, was an uncle of D. H. Upjohn, Salem correspondent for the Portland Oregonian. Dr. Upjohn made a fortune in the drug business in South America.

Mary E. Baker of Eugene, a former student in the school of journalism of the University, was married on Thanksgiving day to Henry Clifford Spaulding of Salem, an Oregon Agricultural College man. They will make their home in Newberg, where Mr. Spaulding is the manager of a mill.

John F. Stone, an Oregon man who is on the staff of the Honolulu Star Bulletin, and who contemplated leaving the islands to return to the mainland, has decided to remain with the Star-Bulletin. He is a cousin of Stephen A. Stone, managing editor of the Oregon States man of Salem.

Robert S. Houston, now of Eugene, has accepted a position with the Coos Bay Harbor of North Bend during the holiday rush. The paper will issue a special Christmas number, which is the usual custom.

The Coos Bay Times of Marshfield will issue a special Christmas number about December 12th.

O. W. Briggs, news editor of the Evening Record of Marshfield, has just returned from a short vacation. He spent the greater part of his time in San Francisco and San Jose visiting old friends.

Mrs. Murray Wheat, linotype operator of the Astoria Evening Budget, has resigned and moved to Tacoma. Her husband is a lieutenant at Camp Lewis, having received his commission at the first Presidio training camp.

H. Sherman Mitchell, formerly a stall’ member of the Astoria Evening Budget, and a student in the school of journalism at the University of Washington, is now editor of the University of Washington Daily and correspondent of the Portland Oregonian. Mr. Mitchell edited the Anchorage, Alaska, Times this summer.

L. P. Arant, formerly a student at the University, has taken a position on the telegraph desk of the Oregon Statesman, of Salem. He fills the vacancy left by Arthur N. Jones, now with the Medford Sun.

E. N. Hurd, publisher of the Signal at Seaside, the Oregon beach resort, is now half owner in the The office of the Catholic Sentinel Owl Printery of Astoria, a job printing concern. He still retains his interests in the Signal.

has been moved to the Rothchild

building, Fourth and Washington streets, Portland. ____0i Lawrence Dinneen, a former jour Miss Hattie Brown, for three nalism student of the University, is years cashier in the business office now a corporal in Company L, 162nd of the Astoria Evening Budget, was United States Infantry, at Camp married to James W. Overton, of Mills, Long Island, New York. Astoria, December 2. oi. M. W. Goldman, an expert press Henry Fowler enlisted on Decem man from Portland, has taken the ber 10 in the medical corps in the position as pressman on the Twin army. Mr. Fowler has been associate editor of the Bend Bulletin Falls, Idaho, Times. the past year.

H. T. Hopkins, editor of The Dalles Chronicle, has recovered from an attack of pneumonia, which kept him away from his desk for several weeks.

Joe D. Thomison, editor of the Hood River Glacier, is the proud father of a son, born on November 23.