ALBANY. Democrat-Herald. Evening daily; semi-weekly in connection. Editor, Thomas D. Potwin. Editor Saturday section, Charles D. Alexander. Publishers, W. L. Jackson and Ralph R. Cronise. Managers, W. L. Jackson and Ralph R. Cronise. Business manager, Ralph R. Cronise. Advertising manager, T. D. Potwin. News editor, Wallace C. Eakin. City editor, James Van Winkle. Society edi- tor, Anna M. Shelvik. Cashier, Mabel Smith. Assistant cashier, Elva Brown. Circulation manager, J. Francyl Howard. Country circu- lation, D. M. Rohrbough. Shop foreman, Bruce Hunter. Machinist operator, E. E. Chandler. Linotype operators, A. R. Griffiths, Stanley Struble, Albert Wilber, C. D. Alexander. Ad- vertising compositor, Elmo C. Gladhart. Press- man, H. F. Lake. Mailing room, Charles Haglund and Glenn Horning.
AMITY. Standard. Weekly. Thursday. Editor, owner, publisher and manager, H. J. Richter. Reporters, Mrs. H. J. Richter, Miss Jessie Kirkwood. Apprentices, Miss Shirley Umphlette and Miss Zelna Nott.
ARLINGTON. Bulletin. Weekly. Friday. Edi- tors and managers, George Huntington Currey and Olive M. Currey. Publisher, Currey Pub- lishing. Boardman editor, Mrs. A. T. Herum. Local reporter, Etta Van Winkle. Office boy, Albert H. Currey. Pressman and compositor, Edwin Van Winkle. ASHLAND. Tidings. Evening. Daily except Sunday. Publisher, Editor, T. R. Jackson. Bert R. Greer. Manager, G. M. Green. Ad- vertising manager, G. M. Green. Reporter, Noreen Anderson. Society editor, Mrs. Grace E. Andrews. Circulation manager, Claudine Anderson. Bookkeeper, Miss Georgia Coffee. Foreman of composing room, E. M. Berg. Linotype operators, E. O. Gillings, John Hollen- beck. ASTORIA. Morning Astorian. Daily except Monday. Editor, James H. Cellars. Owner and publisher, J. S. Dellinger. Advertising manager and office manager, Mrs. Margaret Hubler. Reporters, Samuel Clay, M. A. Aldrich. Business office employees, Mrs. Dunigan, Frances Gilles. Circulation manager, H. W. Brooks. Foreman of composing room, Roy Karinen. Linotype operators, F. E. Stilwell, S. S. Mitchell, Walter Jochimsen, Mrs. Rose Earley. Evening Budget. Daily except Sunday. Eve- ning. Editor, Merle R. Chessman. Publisher, Astoria Budget Publishing Company. Manager, Lee D. Drake. City editor, John DeWitt Gil- bert. Advertising manager, Leland K. Miller. Reporters, Gus Leidy and Walter Norblad. Society and telegraph editor, Mrs. Edna Z. Warner. Bookkeeper, Hattie Brown. Adver- tising solicitor, W. D. Chessman. Circulation manager, John Verschueren. Circulation solicitor, Albert Anderson. Stenographer, Petra Johnson. Foremen of composing room, L. J. Butterfield and Lowell Miller. Linotype operators, Milo Carpenter, Mrs. Anna Wad- dell. Printers, Claire Miller, Graham Chandler, Custer Waddell. Pressmen, Elvin Tolson, Ed- ward Kanwischer, Edward Karsun, Robert Dingfield. Toveri. Daily except Sunday. Editor and manager, Emil Parras. Publisher and owner, Western Workmen's Publication Society. City editor, A. M. Koskela. Advertising man- ager, Vilho J. Hellman. Solicitors, Pacific Development Society. AUMSVILLE. Star. Weekly. Thursday. Edi- tor, publisher, and manager, Charles S. Clark. ATHENA. Press. Weekly. Editor, manager, publisher, owner, F. B. Boyd. City editor, Louise Boyd. Ad- Reporter, Adele McEwen. vertising manager and foreman of composing room, F. B. Boyd. Linotype operator and pressman, Ethel Geissel. AURORA. Observer. Weekly. Thursday. Editor and manager, George E. Knapp. Publishers, George E. Knapp and Paul Chambers. Man- ager mechanical department, Paul Chambers. BAKER. Democrat. Morning. Daily. Weekly in connection. Editor, I. B. Bowen. Publisher, Bowen-Small Publishing Company. Manager, Will H. Evans. Managing editor and news editor, I. B. Bowen, Sr. Reporter, Cleveland Williams. Advertising manager, Will H. Evans. Solicitors, Will H. Evans, Klass V. Powell. Business office employee, Florence Simmons. Foreman of composing room, Jess A. Smurth- waite. Linotype operators, Edward J. Turtle, Jess A. Smurthwaite. Pressman, Herbert Killick. Floor man, Cleon Simmons. Baker County Record. Weekly. Thursday. Editor and owner, Mrs. C. Hancock. Herald. Evening. Daily except Sunday. Edi- tor, Bernard Mainwaring. Publisher, Baker Herald Company. Manager, Lucien P. Arant. Assistant manager, Manley M. Arant. City editor, Bernard Mainwaring. Advertising man- Lucien ager, Arant. P. Ned Reporter, Thomas. Society editor, Mrs. James Good- win. City circulation manager, Mrs. A. A. Whitaker. Superintendent of shop, Harold Wright. Lino- Pressman, Orin McKittrick. type operators, Ralph H. Costen, George Schreiner. BANDON. Western World. Weekly. Editor, publisher and manager, L. D. Felsheim. Re- porter and bookkeeper, Erma Boyle. Foreman, A. W. Langdon. Linotype operator, L. C. Haworth. BANKS. Herald. Weekly. Thursday. Editor and publisher, Roy Anderson. Manager, T. C. Anderson. BEAVERTON. Review. Weekly. Friday. Edi- tor, J. H. Hulett. Operator, Lutina Hulett. Proof reader, Joy Hulett. BEND. Bulletin. Evening. Daily except Sun- day. Weekly in connection, on Thursday. Edi- tor, Robert W. Sawyer. Publisher, The Bend Bulletin, a corporation. Manager, Robert W. Sawyer. City editor, Henry N. Fowler. Assis- tant publisher, Ralph C. Curtis. Advertising manager, George T. Pearce. Assistant adver- tising manager, Howard M. Young. Re- porter, Phil Brogan. Society editor, Mrs. Sybil Buchwalter. Cashier, E. Dorothy Belden. Circulation manager, George C. Curtis. Assis- tant cashier, Josephine Sillery. Foreman, Ralph Spencer, Floormen, W. G. Newton, A. L. Nel- son, C. F. Schlenker. Linotype operators, Guy Amsberry, Hugh Amsberry, C. T. Holm. Press- man, H. J. Funke. Assistant pressman, Charles Mathes. Bindery, E. S. Lampkin. Apprentice, Melvin Scott. Central Oregon Press. Daily except Monday. Morning. Editor, Harold A. Moore. Publisher, Bend Publishing Company. Business manager, J. W. Jones. Advertising manager, Dean Sellers. Society editor, Mrs. Harold A. Moore. Telegraph editor, Marguerite Gleeson. Cashier and bookkeeper, Adah Tucker. Foreman, W. E. [2]