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Beers. Linotype operators, Roy Blodgett, Mrs. Letta Schlinker. Floor man, Ivan Thomas. Pressman, Preston McDougal. Assistant press-

man, Everett Wiles. Devil, Jake Beers. Cir- culation manager, Louis Scholz. BROWNSVILLE. Times. Weekly. Thursday.

Editor, publisher and manager, Milo E. Taylor. Reporter, Doris Drinkard.

BURNS. Harney County News. Weekly, Thurs-

day. Editor, publisher, and manager, Sam Mothershead. Printer, C. A. Byrd. Times-Herald. Weekly. Saturday. Editor,

manager and publisher, Julian Byrd. Linotype operator, Vella Parker. Ad and pressman, Leroy Johnson.

CANBY. dHerald. Weekly. Thursday. Editor and publisher, W. C. Culbertson. Managing editor, H. E. Browne. Reporter, C. A. Shropp. Foreman, C. P. Cloud. Job printer, W. L. Fuller.

CANYON CITY. Blue Mountain Eagle. Weekly. Friday. Editor, C. P. Haight. Manager, P. F. Chandler. Publishers, Chandler and Haight.

CARLTON. Sentinel. Weekly, Friday. publisher and manager, John D. Burt. Yamhill Publishing Company.

Editor, Owner,

CENTRAL POINT. American. Weekly. Thurs-

day. Editor, John B, Sheley. Manager, Clar- ence H. Sheley.

CHILOQUIN. Review. Weekly. Friday. Edi- tor, W. A. Priaulx, Publisher, Arthur W.

Priaulx. Compositor, Miss Eva S. Kennedy. Pressman, George H. Milton. CLATSKANIE, Chief. Weekly. Friday. Edi-

tor, publisher and manager, W. Arthur Steele. Linotype operator, Harold Pascoe. Pressman, Lloyd Evans.

CONDON. Globe-Times. tor, manager, publisher and owner, N. x Wescott. Reporter, Thomas Wescott. Book- keeper, Mrs. C. S. Wescott. Linotype operator and printer, W. H. Ortman,

Weekly. Friday. Edi- C

COQUILLE. Valley Sentinel. Weekly. Friday. Editors, H. W. Young, H. A. Young. Manager, H. A. Young. Publisher, H. W. Young. Job printer, F. L, Greenough. Linotype operator, Marian D. Young.

CORVALLIS. Benton Independent. Weekly. Thursday. Editor, manager, publisher, Don C. Wilson. Bookkeeper, Mrs. Don C. Wilson. Rural circulation manager and__ collector,

Charles C. Wilson. Printer, linotype operator, J. F. Collins. Part-time operator, Martin J. Lizberg,

Gazette-Times. Evening. Daily except Sun- day. Editor, C. E. Ingalls. Business manager, C. A. Sprague. City editor, M. K. Myers. Reporters, Merle Hollister, Burton Hutton. Society editor, Merle Hollister. Bookkeeper, Nee OF} “Taylor. Circulation manager, Sam Walters. Classified advertising, Neva Moore. Superintendent, Henry M. Lehnert. Linotype operators, Myrtle Heath, H. E. Gove, A. W. Thomas. Make-up, George Turina, J. E. Utter. Stereotypers, Robert Hubbard, Kenneth Kil- bourne. Pressman, Bert Lilly. Helper, L. O. Hays. Mailer, Clark Sterrett. Job printer, H. F, Fisher.


COTTAGE GROVE. Monday, Thursday.

Sentinel. Twice-a-week.

Editor and manager, Elbert Bede. Publishers, Elbert Bede and El- bert Smith. Reporter, Mary Clerin. Foreman of composing room, Dale Hawkins. Linotype operators, Gerald Banton and Dale Hawkins. Devil, Carl Monroe.

CRANE. American. Weekly. Editor, publisher and manager, George FE. Carter. Business office employee, Joe M. Buchanan.

DALLAS. Polk County Itemizer. Weekly. Thurs- day. Editor, manager and publisher, M. L. Boyd. Owners, V. P. Fiske and M. L. Boyd. Advertising manager, M. L. Boyd. Bookkeeper, reporter, Edytha Brown. Foreman of compos-

ing room, G. H. Estle. Apprentice, Paul Launer. Polk County Observer. Weekly. Editor,

publisher and manager, Earle Richardson. Re- porter and bookkeeper, Mrs. Earle Richardson. Foreman of composing room, Henry D. Hamm. Printer and press man, Jacob Quiring. Ap- prentice, Alfred Quiring.

DAYTON, Tribune. Weekly. Editor, A. N. Merrill. DRAIN. Enterprise. Weekly. Thursday. Edi-

tor, manager and publisher, H. R. Young.

DUFUR. Dispatch. Weekly. Thursday. Pub- lisher, A. Y. Zoller. Business manager, Fred H. Veith. Reporter and feature writer, D. C.

Evans. Reporter, L. D. Frazier. Intertype operator, James A. Nelson. ECHO. News. Weekly. Friday. Editor, man-

ager and publisher, W. H. Crary. Reporter, Mrs. W. H. Crary. ELGIN. Recorder. Weekly. Thursday. Editor,

publisher and manager, J. Y. Wright. Reporter, Elvie Parks. Foreman of composing room and linotype operator, W. J. Henry. Pressman, G. E. Galloway.

ENTERPRISE. Record Chieftain. Weekly. Thurs- day. ‘Editor, George P. Cheney. Bookkeeper and society editor, S. V. Heaton. Foreman, G. E. Odle. Mechanical employees, W. L. Flower and Daniel P. Cheney.

ESTACADA. Eastern Clackamas News. Thursday, Editor and manager, W. A. Heyl- man. Publisher, Estacada Publishing Company. Foreman of composing room, J. F. Cumi. Re- porter, Mrs. Elva Ahlberg.

EUGENE. Evening.


Daily Guard. Daily except Sunday. Editor, Paul R. Kelty. Manager, Carl S. Kelty. Publisher, Guard Printing Company. Business manager, Eugene S. Kelty. City editor, Fred Guyon, News edi- tor, Lyle T. Kelling. Advertising manager, E. L. Kimball. Reporters, Vernon V. Paine, Margaret Skavlan. Society editor, Marian Lowry. Staff correspondent, Cottage Grove, Mrs. F. L. Grannis. Advertising salesman, F. M. Bennett. Classified advertising solicitor, Verna Norton. Bookkeeper, Sam Bronough. Circulation, Leslie Anderson, H, H. Guild, H.

C. Huets, G. C. Plotz, L. M. Sharman. Superintendent, Elmer L. Wells. Pressman, Frank Hassad. Stereotyper, Mark Mossing.

Printers, W. F. Gratke, E. G. Boenke, Everett Trotschard, D, P. Cheney, Harold Warmke, Vance Howe, Edward Duke. Linotypers, H. C. Farley, A. F. Bremer, Frank Thorndyke, H. F. Garrett, H. W. Johnson. Caster, Eugene


Frsruary, 1926

Ozden. Janitor, Earl Atkinson. Cashier, Janet. Hampton. Morning Register. Daily except Monday.

Morning. Editor, Frank Jenkins. Manager, E. R. Gilstrap, Publisher, Register Publishing Company. Advertising manager, E. R. Gilstrap. City editor, Horace Burnett. Reporters, Sidney C. Jenkins, Jalmar Johnson, Dick Godfrey. Soci- ety editor, Mrs. Gladys Wilkins McCready. Tele- graph editor, Leonard Lerwill. Sunday editor, Otto Gilstrap. City circulation manager, Fred B.

Baker. Mail circulation manager, Henry Hane- kamp. Office manager, E. L. Knapp. Adver- tising salesmen, Norman —. Purser, Webster Ruble. Stenographer, Lucy Crowe. Book- keeper, Vera Turner. Clerk, Lela Forrest. Cir- culation department, J. R. Griffith. Super- intendent, C. P. Sylvester. Night foreman, R. S. Huston. Linotype operators,. Cora

Kreamer, W. H. McKenzie, R, B. Hill, R. M. Fisher, Jr., F. A. Safford, G. N. Allenbaugh.

Compositor, Herbert Hemmingsen. Pressman, John Bennett. Mail clerk, Reuben Young. Apprentice, Ted Juhl.

World Evangel. Weekly. ‘Thursday. Editor and manager, Harry Benton. Publisher, Eugene Bible University Press. Stenographer and bookkeeper, Mrs. W. V. Barney.

FALLS CITY. Enterprise. Weekly. Thursday. Editor, manager and publisher, George M. Cole. Associate editor, Mrs. A. W. Watt. Reporter, Mrs. A. G. Adams. Advertising solicitor and mechanical helper, Mrs. E. O. Bainter,

FLORENCE. Times. Weekly. Editor, Ralph Moore.

FOREST GROVE. Washington County News- Times. Weekly. Editor and manager, Earl C. Brownlee. Publisher, Earl C. Brownlee. Re- porter, Mrs. W. S. Roberts. Foreman of com- posing room, W. G. McKenzie. Linotype oper- ators, Hazel Carmach and Vesta Greer. Com- positors, S. E. Fayram, Victor Spalding, Leon Walker.

FOSSIL, Journal. Weekly. and owner, H. J. Simmons. Billy Simmons.

FREEWATER. Times. Weekly. Friday. Editor, E. Y. Sanderson. Manager, R. BE. Bean. Pub- lishers, Sanderson and Bean. Advertising man- ager and buyer, N. W. Bean. Foreman of

Editor, publisher Linotype operator,

composing room, Claude Hand. Pressman, Archie E. Williams. GARIBALDI. News. Weekly. Editor, publisher

and manager, M. D. O’Connell. and Mrs. M. D. O’Connell. Advertising man- ager, Mrs. M. D. O’Connell. Business office employee, Miss Gretchen McMeeken. Solicitor, Mrs, O’Connell. Foreman of composing room, Paul Manske.

GERVAIS. Star. Weekly. Editor and publisher, G. L. Swartz. Owner, Star Publishing Company.

GLENDALE. News. Weekly. Thursday. Editor, manager and publisher, Howard F. Griffin.

GOLD BEACH. Curry County Reporter. Weekly. Thursday, Editor and manager, W. E. Has- sler. Publisher, Gold Beach Publishing Co., Inc. Printer and operator, Vincent Byram. Printer and pressman, Louis Gitschlag, Jr.

GOLD HILL. News. Weekly. Thursday. Edi- tor, manager, publisher, Howard E, Wharton. Industrial reporter, A. E. Kellogg. County

Owners, Mr.


news and solicitor of advertising, Mrs. W. L. Greenleaf. Assistant. manager, Miss E. HE. Starns. Mechanical foreman, I. F. Wharton,

GRAND RONDE. News. Semi-monthly. Edi- tor, publisher and manager, George M. Cole, Reporter, Mrs. E. O. Bainter.

GRANTS PASS. Daily Courier. Daily. Evening. (Editor, Wilford Allen, Jr. Publisher, manager and advertising manager, A. E. Voorhies. Society editor, Alice Ament Smith. Telegraph and feature editor, Earle E. Voorhies. Machine bookkeeper, Druscilla O’Day. Foreman of com- posing room, J, R. Higginbotham. Linotype operators, Sam Stinebaugh, B. W. Coutant. Advertising makeup man, Hilton Smith. Press- man, Bert Palmer. Makeup, Clara Trefren. Mailer, La Vern Batman.

Rogue River Courier. Weekly. Friday. Edi- tor, publisher and manager, A. E. Voorhies. Society editor, Alice Ament Smith. Bookkeeper, Druscilla O’Day. Foreman of composing room, J. R, Higginbotham. Linotype operators, Sam Stinebaugh and B. W. Coutant. Ad man, Hil- ton Smith. Pressman, Bert Palmer. Mailer, La Vern Batman. Mechanical employee, Clara Trefren, make-up.

Southern Oregon Spokesman. Tuesday and Friday. Editor, Jno. J. Hoog- straat. Manager, E. C. Bell. Publisher, South- ern Oregon Spokesman, Bookkeeper and office assistant, Eva Hill. Mechanical and job printing department, Ralph Wesley.

Oregon Observer. Weekly. Wednesday. Man- ager and publisher, A. E. Voorhies. (Editor, Wilford Allen, Jr. Advertising manager, A. E. Voorhies, Society editor, Alice Ament Smith. Telegraph and feature editor, Earle E. Voor- hies. Machine bookkeeper, Druscilla O’Day. Foreman composing room, J. R. Higginbotham. Linotype operators, Sam Stinebaugh, B. W. Coutant. Advertising makeup man, Hilton Smith. Pressman, Bert Palmer, Makeup, Clara Trefren. Mailer, La Vern Batman.

GRASS VALLEY. Journal. Weekly. Friday. Editor, publisher and manager, Mrs. W. I. Westerfield. Foreman of composing room, Fred L. Derby.



Outlook. Semi-weekly. Tuesday and Friday. Editor and manager, H. L, St. Clair. Publisher, Outlook Publishing Company. City editor, Mrs. H. L. St. Clair. Advertising manager, Leslie T. St. Clair. Business office employee, Miss Mabel Jackson, bookkeeper. Linotype operator, Miss Emma B. Johnson. Pressman, Chase E. St. Clair. Bindery, Miss Evelyn Metzger. Reporter, Mrs. Mary Welch.

HAINES. Record. Weekly. Friday. Editor, manager and publisher, Mrs. C. Hancock.

HALFWAY. Pine Valley Herald. Weekly. tor, publisher and manager, Guy Hughes.

HALSEY. Rural Enterprise. Weekly. Wednes- day. Editor, publisher and manager, William H. Wheeler,

HARRISBURG. Bulletin. Weekly. Friday. Editor, manager and publisher, S. P. Shutt. Foreman composing room, H. M. Shutt.

HELIX. View Point. Weekly. Friday. Editor, manager, publisher, J. W. Wickwire.

HEPPNER. Gazette-Times. Weekly. Editor and manager, Vawter Crawford. Publishers, Vawter and Spencer Crawford. Reporter, Jas- per V. Crawford. Foreman of cpmposing
