Page:Oregon Historical Quarterly volume 22.djvu/355

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Java Head ESE. 5 leagues. Wind from NVV. Stood to the southward.

8. S. Lat. 7 13'; W. Long. 255 36'; E. Long. 104 24'. Steady NVV. Monsoon and pleasant.

9. S. Lat. 8 4'; W. Long. 255 47'; E. Long. 104 13'; Amp'd 1 24' East. Wind WSW. and squally weather.

13. S. Lat. 10 47' ; W. Long. 257 40' ; E. Long. 102 20' O <T. This day took the SE. trade winds after having experi- enced the NW. Monsoon quite variable from SSW. to NNW., and weather much unsettled, with plenty of rain and a con- tinual swell from the Southward. Many Boobies about us.

20. S. Lat. 15 32'; W. Long. 270 16'; E. Long. 89 44'; Azi. 1 54' E. This is an uncommon Variation for the place. Have had fine weather since taking the SE. Trades.

27. S. Lat. 17 1'; W. Long. 280 57'; E. Long. 79 3'. Have had the wind from the west'd these three days past, with squally weather. This day it drew to the SE. again. Caught several Dolphin.

30. S. Lat. 16 32' ; W. Long. 286 5' ; E. Long. 73 55' ; Azi. 4 38' W. Pleasant SE. Trade winds.

April 1. S. Lat. 16 55'; W. Long. 289 25'; E. Long. 70 35'; Azi. 7 36' W. Have experienced a little Thunder and Lightning, for several days at intervals.

3. S. Lat. 18 52* ; W. Long. 295 0' ; E. Long. 65 0' ; Azi. 14 0' W. Fresh trades and Hazy weather.


4. S. Lat. 19 37' ; W. Long. Corrected 297 10* ; E. Long. 62* 50' O (. This day made the Isle of Roderigue bearing SW. The Ship having experienced a current to the West'd since leaving the Straits of Sunda. Found this Island to be surround'd with dangerous Reefs the one on its NW. extends many miles into the Sea.

5. S. Lat. 19 44'; W. Long. 299 11'; E. Long. 60 49/; Azi. 10 4' W. Amp'd 9 58' W. Wind from the south'd and pleasant.

7. S. Lat. 20 36'; W. Long. 302 19'; E. Long. 57 41'.