Page:Oregon Historical Quarterly volume 22.djvu/356

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Saw the Isle of France at daylight. At noon the South pt. of Mauritius bore WNW, 8 leagues, very high uneven land.

8. S. Lat. 21 36'; W. Long. 303 38'; E. Long. 56 22'. Pleasant trade winds. Saw the Isle of Bourbon. At noon it bore NW. 10 or 12 leagues. Exceeding mountainous.

10. S. Lat. 24 4'; W. Long. 307 55'; E. Long. 52 5'; Azi. 18 51' W. Fresh SE. trades and squally. Crew all well.

14. S. Lat. 28 2'; W. Long. 315 59'; E. Long. 44 1'. Azi. 22 25' <T O *. Wind still at SE. and pleasant weather.

17. S. Lat. 30 41' ; W. Long. 323 44' ; E. Long. 36 16' O <T. This day the SE. trades left us, and immediately took the wind from NW.

19. S. Lat. 29 3?; W. Long. 325 49'; E. Long. 34 11'; Azi. and Amp'd 23 50' W. O <T O * 16 O <L Sights. Wind at SW. and pleasant cool weather. Current setting to the NE.

21. S. Lat. 29 37'; W. Long. 326 48'; E. Long. 33 12'; Azi. 25 30' W. Wind from west, and pleasant.

23. S. Lat. 31 11'; W. Long. 328 20'; E. Long. 31 40'; Azi. and Amp'd 27 56' W. Wind from the Eastward. Ex- perience a strong current setting to the North.

28. S. Lat. 33 58'; W. Long. 336 13'; E. Long. 23 47'; Amp'd 28 28' W. Have had much blowing weather for some time. This day saw the land about Muscle Bay, 215 at 11 leagues distance. At Noon Cape Talhado bore NW. The cur- rent has changed, and now sets strong to the SW. Wind from the Westward.


29. S. Lat. 34 12'; W. Long. 337 6'; E. Long. 22 54'. Soundings 45 fm. Black sand, 2y 2 leagues from land, many smoakes on shore. At Noon the land in sight bore from North to ENE., a strong current in favour. Wind right a head.

30. S. Lat. 34 22'; W. Long. 338 3'; E. Long. 21 57' O <T. Many Gannetts and some seals round. Pass'd Cape St. Brass, saw the 7 Hills, and a number of Fires on the shore through the Night. Generally keep about 5 leagues from the Coast. Wind a head. So ends.

215 Mossel Bay. W. C F.