Aberrant groups, 429.
Abyssinia, plants of, 375.
Acclimatisation, 139.
Affinities of extinct species, 329.
of organic beings, 411.
Agassiz on Amblyopsis, 139.
on groups of species suddenly appearing, 302, 305.
on embryological succession, 338.
on the glacial period, 366.
on embryological characters, 418.
on the embryos of vertebrata, 439.
on parallelism of embryological development and geological succession, 449.
Algæ of New Zealand, 376.
Alligators, males, fighting, 88.
Amblyopsis, blind fish, 139.
America, North, productions allied to those of Europe, 371.
, boulders and glaciers of, 373.
, South, no modern formations on west coast, 290.
Ammonites, sudden extinction of, 321.
Anagallis, sterility of, 247.
Analogy of variations, 159.
Ancylus, 386.
Animals, not domesticated from being variable, 17.
, domestic, descended from several stocks, 19.
, acclimatisation of, 141.
of Australia, 116.
with thicker fur in cold climates, 133.
, blind, in caves, 137.
, extinct, of Australia, 339.
Anomma, 240.
Antarctic islands, ancient flora of, 399.
Antirrhinum, 161.
Ants attending aphides, 211.
, slave-making instinct, 219.
Ants, neuter, structure of, 236.
Aphides attended by ants, 211.
Aphis, development of, 442.
Apteryx, 182.
Arab horses, 35.
Aralo-Caspian Sea, 339.
Archiac, M. de, on the succession of species, 325.
Artichoke, Jerusalem, 142.
Ascension, plants of, 389.
Asclepias, pollen of, 193.
Asparagus, 359.
Aspicarpa, 417.
Asses, striped, 163.
Ateuchus, 135.
Audubon on habits of frigate-bird, 185.
on variation in birds'-nests, 212.
on heron eating seeds, 387.
Australia, animals of, 116.
, dogs of, 215.
, extinct animals of, 339.
, European plants in, 375.
Azara on flies destroying cattle, 72.
Azores, flora of, 363.
Babington, Mr., on British plants, 48.
Balancement of growth, 147.
Bamboo with hooks, 197.
Barberry, flowers of, 98.
Barrande, M., on Silurian colonies, 313.
on the succession of species, 325.
on parallelism of palæozoic formations, 328.
on affinities of ancient species, 330.
Barriers, importance of, 347.
Batrachians on islands, 393.
Bats, how structure acquired, 180.
, distribution of, 394.
Bear, catching water-insects, 184.
Bee, sting of, 202.
, queen, killing rivals, 202.