Bees, hive, not sucking the red clover, 95.
, , cell-making instinct, 224.
, humble, cells of, 225.
, parasitic, 218.
Beetles, wingless, in Madeira, 135.
with deficient tarsi, 135.
Bentham, Mr., on British plants, 48.
, on classification, 419.
Berkeley, Mr., on seeds in salt-water, 358.
Bermuda, birds of, 391.
Birds acquiring fear, 212.
annually cross the Atlantic, 364.
, colour of, on continents, 132.
, fossil, in caves of Brazil, 339.
of Madeira, Bermuda, and Galapagos, 390.
, song of males, 89.
, transporting seeds, 361.
, waders, 386.
, wingless, 134, 182.
, with traces of embryonic teeth, 451.
Bizcacha, 349.
, affinities of, 429.
Bladder for swimming in fish, 190.
Blindness of cave animals, 137.
Blyth, Mr., on distinctness of Indian cattle, 18.
, on striped Hemionus, 163.
, on crossed geese, 253.
Boar, shoulder-pad of, 88.
Borrow, Mr., on the Spanish pointer, 35.
Bory St. Vincent on Batrachians, 393.
Bosquet, M., on fossil Chthamalus, 304.
Boulders, erratic, on the Azores, 363.
Branchiæ, 190.
Brent, Mr., on house-tumblers, 214.
, on hawks killing pigeons, 362.
Brewer, Dr., on American cuckoo, 217.
Britain, mammals of, 395.
Bronn on duration of specific forms, 293.
Brown, Robert, on classification, 414.
Buckman on variation in plants, 10.
Buzareingues on sterility of varieties, 270.
Cabbage, varieties of, crossed, 99.
Calceolaria, 251.
Canary-birds, sterility of hybrids, 252.
Cape de Verde islands, 398.
Cape of Good Hope, plants of, 110, 375.
Carrier-pigeons killed by hawks, 362.
Cassini on flowers of compositæ, 145.
Catasetum, 424.
Cats, with blue eyes, deaf, 12.
, variation in habits of, 91.
curling tail when going to spring, 201.
Cattle destroying fir-trees, 71.
destroyed by flies in La Plata, 72.
, breeds of, locally extinct, 111.
, fertility of Indian and European breeds, 254.
Cave, inhabitants of, blind, 137.
Centres of creation, 352.
Cephalopodæ, development of, 442.
Cervulus, 253.
Cetacea, teeth and hair, 144.
Ceylon, plants of, 375.
Chalk formation, 322.
Characters, divergence of, 111.
, sexual, variable, 156.
, adaptive or analogical, 427.
Charlock, 76.
Checks to increase, 67.
, mutual, 71.
Chickens, instinctive tameness of, 216.
Chthamalinæ, 288.
Chthamalus, cretacean species of, 304.
Circumstances favourable to selection of domestic products, 40.
to natural selection, 101.
Cirripedes capable of crossing, 101.
, carapace aborted, 148.
, their ovigerous frena, 192.
, fossil, 304.
, larvæ of, 440.
Classification, 413.
Clift, Mr., on the succession of types, 339.
Climate, effects of, in checking increase of beings, 68.