Page:Orlando Furioso (Rose) v2 1824.djvu/100

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Breaking his every scheme, this phantasy
The troubled cavalier did so confound,
That with all speed to that fell island he
Resolved to navigate; nor yet the round
Of a new sun was buried in the sea,
Ere he a vessel at St. Malo’s found;
In which, embarking on his quest, the count
Put forth, and cleared that night St. Michael’s Mount[3].


Breac and Landriglier[4] past on the left hand,
Orlando’s vessel skims the Breton shore;
Then shapes her course towards the chalky strand,
Whence England’s isle the name of Albion bore:
But the south wind, which had her canvas fanned,
Shifts to north-west, and freshening, blows so sore,
The mariners are fain to strike all sail,
And wear and scud before the boisterous gale.


A distance traversed in four days, in one
Backwards the ceaseless wind the frigate bore:
The helmsman kept the sea, lest she should run
Aground, and break like glass upon the shore.
The wind upon the fifth day changed its tune,[5]
So loud and furious through the other four;
And let, without more strife, the vessel gain
A port, where Antwerp’s river met the main.